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EU Creative Europe| Project Leader: Prof. Wim Hupperetz | 2015-2021 | PhD candidates in this project: Inge Kalle-den Oudsten and Lindsay Morehouse. This project aims to provide a new business model for durable collaboration on a network / exchange basis.

In order to establish this network, CEMEC created a mobile exhibition (at 3 venues) and 5 national presentations with generic curatorial content, together with technical partners and the associated scientific partners, who will be able to create on-going spin-off research. This integrated network of museums and technical (research) institutions will greatly facilitate future collaboration between the CEMEC partners and other institutions and, at the same time, it will provide the CEMEC partners with a shared pool of knowledge, re-usable tools, contents and best-practice insights.

Prof. W.M.H. (Wim) Hupperetz

Library of the UvA

Sector Allard Pierson Museum