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H2020-MSCA-ITN | Project Leader: Prof. Rob van der Laarse | 2017-2021 | PhD candidates in this project: Vittoria Caradonna and Nermin Elsherif. CHEurope focuses on developing a new integrated theoretical and methodological framework to enhance the academic and professional training and open future job opportunities in cultural heritage preservation, management and promotion.

The CHEurope project integrates theoretical and methodological frameworks. As a collaborative effort, it enhances academic training, open job opportunities, and foster a critical approach that situates cultural heritage within social, economic and political contexts. Through research seminars, summer schools and secondments, young researchers gain transnational and interdisciplinary knowledge, enabling them to facilitate democratic dialogues and promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the expanding heritage industry. 

Bringing together a European network of 8 academic and 21 heritage and museum partner organisations, the training programme funded 15 PhD scholarships to undertake practice-based research in partner institutions that connect students to their future job markets and publics.

Prof. dr. R. (Rob) van der Laarse

Faculty of Humanities