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HORIZON-WIDERA | Principal Investigator: Prof. Ihab Saloul | 2024-2027. The objective of the DIGHT-Net is to enhance research capacity, broaden the research partnership and increase the visibility & attractiveness of Tallinn University (TLU) in digital cultural heritage studies.

To mobilise and amplify digital cultural heritage research locally, nationally and internationally, ensure sustainability and maximise the impact, the joint research hub of Digital Cultural Heritage studies (DIGHT-Hub) will be co-established at the TLU’s School of Humanities. The project shall prototype a Twinned Digital Archive of Juri Lotman and Umberto Eco, and build a semiotic theory of digital cultural heritage, based on the work of Lotman, Eco and other scholars. The objectives will be achieved through networking and collaboration activities with internationally-leading research institutions: The University of Bologna (UNIBO), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), and the University of Turku (UTU).

Prof. dr. I.A.M. (Ihab) Saloul

Faculty of Humanities

Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen