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EU-Erasmus+ | Project Leader: Dr. Lidewij van Gils | 2023-2027. This project is a collaboration between seven Latinists working at six universities in five countries. With the financial support of the European Union (Erasmus+) they collaborate with students, teachers and networks of schools and classicists in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Slovenia.

The project addresses the complex issue of citizenship through an influential text that has been part of our educational common ground for many centuries: Cicero's defense of the non-Roman poet Archias in a case about citizenship and the value of art, literature and intercultural dialogue. Secondary school Latin teachers and students in five European countries will gain expert knowledge of the speech, while engaging in transnational discussions on relevant issues.

Dr. L.W. (Lidewij) van Gils

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen