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NWO-Research into Collections with a Colonial Context | Project Leader: Prof. Ihab Saloul, with Dr. Bambang Purwanto of Gadjah Mada University | 2024-2028. Dutch museum collections may contain looted objects with a colonial context. The NWO programme 'Research into Collections with a Colonial Context' aims to redress injustice and strengthen trust and cooperation with the countries of origin.

The research project 'Exploring New Futures for Indonesian Objects' seeks to investigate continuing colonial frameworks of knowledge about cultural objects and their histories and explore new frameworks to research and knowledge of cultural objects collected in colonial situations. Objects looted as war booty from the Cakranegara palace in Lombok, Indonesia, in 1894 serves to investigate the dynamics of the existing historical framework through an analysis of language, discourse, and historiography in both countries. The research will explore objects of the Lombok war booty as windows through which memories and histories of their original values and meanings can be viewed.

Prof. dr. I.A.M. (Ihab) Saloul

Faculty of Humanities

Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen