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EU-HORIZON-RIA | Principal Investigator: Dr. Maartje Stols-Witlox | 2022-2026 | PhD candidate in this project: Han Zhou. Existing tools and methods to conserve heritage are not always sustainable. The GoGreen project seeks to rectify this by targeting conservation practices that are based on green principles. To do this, it will develop damage functions that facilitate environmental control in collections; produce green treatment methods for remedial conservation; adopt innovative techniques and benchmark methods to analyse materials and methods; and build an app and a decision model for conservators to use in remedial conservation treatments.

GoGreen encompasses all relevant and necessary academic and socio-economic actors spanning the full stakeholder value chain to ensure future impact. This uniquely advantageous composition coupled with the embedding of bottom-up education of professionals through modules and courses for conservation training programmes, emerging conservators and mid-career professionals, guarantees the next generation of conservators are fully prepared to embrace the GreenDeal.

Dr. M.J.N. (Maartje) Stols-Witlox

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Conservering en Restauratie