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Getty Foundation Grant | Project Leader: Dr. Emilie Froment | 2019-2025. The 'Dutch Method Unfolded' is a masterclass that addresses the consequences of wax-resin lining for the today’s conservation and future preservation of the paintings that underwent this treatment. It is targeted to professionals in the fields of art history and conservation.

It is funded by the Getty Foundation as part of its Conserving Canvas initiative. By expending the specific knowledge and skills of conservation specialists active in the field, the program contributes to the conservation of paintings that have been subjected to wax-resin lined treatment. Wax-resin lining, also called the Dutch Method, is a treatment method that aims to consolidate canvas paintings. It was invented in the Netherlands in the mid-19th century and was extensively used worldwide until the 1970s.

Dr. E.M. (Emilie) Froment

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Conservering en Restauratie