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EU-H2020-MSCA-ITN | Principal Investigator: Prof. Julia Noordegraaf | 2015-2019 | PhD candidates in this project: Dušan Barok, Marta Garcia Celma and Claudia Röck. New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art (NACCA) is a Marie Curie ITN for 15 PhD’s, designed by experts working in museums, heritage organisations and universities that have a profound experience in the field of contemporary art conservation and conservation research.

NACCA consists of a research and a training part in summer schools and winter schools, including public events. NACCA is coordinated by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University and executed in collaboration with several European project partners, including UvA's Conservation and Restoration department.

Prof. dr. J.J. (Julia) Noordegraaf

Faculty of Humanities

Departement Mediastudies