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E.M. (Ellen) Jansen MA

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Conservering en Restauratie
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
Postal address
  • Postbus 94552
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Short biography

    Ellen Jansen is a conservator of modern and contemporary art. After finishing her MA study in Art History in 2006 at the VU University Amsterdam, she enrolled in the training program in Conservation and Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art at the UvA (2007-2012). During the program she did internships at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Twenthe in Enschede and the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo. She has a long history in museum practice, mainly focusing on analogue and digital imaging, working closely with conservation departments. In 2012, she started as a lecturer in conservation practice and coordinator within the contemporary art training program at the UvA.

  • Publications


    • Snijders, E., & Jansen, E. M. (2021). The pigments of video art: A closer look at pixels, subpixels, pixel pitch and pixel geometry.. Manuscript in preparation In Future Talks 021: – the digital one – Smart solutions in the conservation of the modern


    • Verbeek, A., de Groot, S., Laganá, A., Jansen, E., & Peschar, R. (2017). The Suitability of Commercially and Industrially Developed Adhesives for Polypropylene for the Conservation of Contemporary Art and Design. In T. Bechtold (Ed.), Future talks 015: Processes: The Making of Design and Modern Art Materials, Technologies and Conservation Strategies (pp. 230-239). Die Neue Sammlung. [details]
    • van de Braak, K., Laganá, A., de Groot, S., van Keulen, H., Jansen, E., & Peschar, R. (2017). Synthetic Furs in Art: Materials, Processes and Cleaning Methods. In T. Bechtold (Ed.), Future Talks 015: Processes: The Making of Design and Modern Art Materials, Technologies and Conservation Strategies (pp. 40-49). Die Neue Sammlung. [details]


    • Jansen, E., Smit, I., Dikken, D. J., Korterik, J., & Offerhaus, H. (2015). Go with the Glow: An Investigation into a 1960s Art Object with Phosphorescent Paint and its Treatment Possibilities. In A. Bailão, F. Henriques, & A. Bidarra (Eds.), RECH2: 2nd International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage: Porto, Portugal, 24-25 October 2014: proceedings (pp. 106-122). Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore. [details]


    • Snijders, E., Jansen, E., & Stigter, S. (Eds.) (2021). Ciprian Mureşan : Video Installation Research Exhibition: 2020-2021 Contemporary Art Conservation Student Projects : 10-11 May 2021, BG 5, Amsterdam. University of Amsterdam, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. [details]


    • Stigter, S., Snijders, E., & Jansen, E. (Eds.) (2019). Re: New Media Art. Technology-based Art Conservation: 2018-2019 Contemporary Art Conservation Student Symposium : 7 October 2019, Ateliergebouw, Amsterdam. University of Amsterdam, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. [details]


    • Roegholt, A., van Schaik, S., Voogd, M., Stigter, S., Snijders, E., & Jansen, E. M. (2021). Grenzeloze Inhoud | Limitless Content. Exhibition, Museum Het Schip.


    • Jansen, E. (2012). Survival of the Survival Series: Conserveringsstrategieën voor een lichtkrant met een intern geheugen. Simulacrum, 20(2), 25-29. [details]



    • Snijders, E., Stigter, S., & Jansen, E. M. (2018). Training in Time-Based Arts Conservation at the University of Amsterdam: Abstract. Abstract from It's About Time! Building a New Discipline, New York, New York, United States.

    Talk / presentation

    • Jansen, E. (invited speaker) (23-3-2017). Lessons in Obsolescence – New Media Conservation at the University of Amsterdam, Media Art Preservation Symposium, Budapest.
    • Jansen, E. M. (invited speaker) (18-2-2016). Panel discussion with young international professionals about their training and state of the art conservation of digital artworks, Transformation Digital Art. International Symposium on the Preservation of Born-Digital Art, LIMA, Amsterdam.
    • Jansen, E. M. (speaker) (1-12-2014). Go with the Glow. Difficulties in the conservation and exhibition of phosphorescent artworks from the sixties, Authenticity in Transition: Changing Practices in Contemporary Art Making and Conservation, Glasgow.
    • Jansen, E. M. (speaker) (24-10-2014). Go with the Glow. An investigation into a 1960s artwork with phosphorescent paint and its treatment possibilities, 2nd International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage, RECH2, Casa das Artes, Porto.
    • Jansen, E. M. (speaker) (17-10-2014). Survival of the Survival Series, Jenny Holzer, 1983-85: Het ontwikkelen van een conserveringsstrategie voor een lichtkrant met een intern geheugen, SBMK-dag: Licht, Amsterdam.
    • Jansen, E. M. (speaker) (27-6-2013). Workshop Born-Digital Artist Interview, Digital Art Force-dag, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.



    • Stigter, S., Jansen, E. & Kits Nieuwenkamp, D. (9-10-2020). Interview Sjoerd Buisman over groeisculpturen (video). Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS).
    • Stigter, S., Jansen, E. & Kits Nieuwenkamp, D. (9-10-2020). Interview Sjoerd Buisman over groeisculpturen (audio). Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS).
    • Loh, E. K. M., Evelein, F. H., Stigter, S., Soulioti, M. A., Ducimetière, M. S., Voogd, M., Jansen, E., Vermaat, S. T., de Groot, S., Neevel, H., van den Berg, K. & Kievits, R. (2020). Interview John den Besten on Grenzeloze Inhoud (audio). EASY.
    • Loh, E. K. M., Evelein, F. H., Stigter, S., Soulioti, M. A., Ducimetière, M. S., Voogd, M., Jansen, E., Vermaat, S. T., de Groot, S., Neevel, H., van den Berg, K. & Kievits, R. (2020). Interview John den Besten on Grenzeloze Inhoud (video). EASY.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • E.M. Jansen
      Zelfstandig restaurator van moderne en hedendaagse kunst