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Dr K.E. (Kate) van Lookeren Campagne

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Conservering en Restauratie
Photographer: Eduard Lampe

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
Postal address
  • Postbus 94551
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Kate van Lookeren Campagne - Nuttall   gained   an honours   degree in History at the University of London in 1984. She went on to gain a diploma in the conservation and restoration of ceramics and Glass at West Dean College, Sussex, England during which she was an intern in the conservation and restoration department of the British Museum in London.   After completing her studies she was head of the ceramics conservation department of Plowden and Smith Ltd in London   where she carried out conservation and restoration projects for major museums and collectors. In 1988 she moved to Paris where she worked for three years as a freelance conservator-restorer for collectors, auction houses and museums, including the Louvre and Fontainebleau Palace. In 1992 she moved with her Dutch husband to Zutphen in the Netherlands where she worked until 1999 at the Stitching Gelders Oudheidkundig Contact as a regional ceramic and glass conservator and advisor for the province of Gelderland and Overijssel. She began teaching ceramic and glass conservation at the Opleiding Restauratoren in Amsterdam in 1993 which later became part of the ICN (Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage). Since 1996 she has also worked freelance as a restorer and advisor for museums and private clients throughout the country and abroad.   She has taught short courses at various international academic institutions abroad in Malta, Finland and Spain as well as numerous short courses in collection management and conservation at the ICN. Since 1998 she has been involved with ICOM-CC Ceramic and glass group as assistant coordinator.

    Since 2008 she has taught and coordinated the ceramic and glass conservation   programme at the at the UvA.   Her special interest is the history of Dutch tile production and their degradation mechanisms.




      A Comparative View of Academic Training Programmes in Ceramic and Glass Conservation, ICOM-CC,  Preprints triennial meeting ceramic and glass section , Nova Gorica, Slovenia.  


     The Art of Art Care: chapter 2: The Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics and Glass, ed. Barbara   Kruijsen. 2003  


    Chinees porselein op de zeebodem,   Vormen Uit Vuur


    Syllabus bij de basiscursus Behoud en Beheer, Hoofdstuk: keramiek en glas, Landelijk Contact van Museumconsulenten.


    The training of ceramic and glass conservators/restorers at The Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, in The Conservation of Glass And Ceramics , Tennent, Norman H. (edt.) Taylor & Francis


    Ethical decisions relating to the reconstruction of Archeological finds for Decorative display: The conservation of Delft Pottery sherds from the garden of Paleis Het Loo, Postprints UKIC Ceramic and Glass Section conference, Amsterdam.


    Golden Water based Acrylic media: the use of Golden acrylics for retouching ceramics', Conservation News (UKIC ).


    Kastellen, de kroon op het kabinet,   Gelders Erfgoed deel 2 , Gelders Oudheidkundig Contact, Zutphen.


    Ceramics and Metal,         UKIC Conference preprints , West Dean, UK


    The use of sticky wax for the restoration of Flat Glass, Conservation News (UKIC)


    Het werk van een keramiek-   en glas restaurator, Gelders Erfgoed, deel 3, Gelders Oudheidkundig Contact, Zutphen.

  • Publications


    • van Iperen, J., van Lookeren Campagne, K., Garachon, I., van Schinkel, M., Keune, K., & Diercks, F. (2024). The White Glaze of Delft Blue: A Comparative Study of Historical Recipes for the White Tin Glaze Used in Delftware and Other Dutch Tin-glazed Earthenware During Their Heyday (c. 1600–1800). Studies in Conservation. Advance online publication.



    • van Lookeren Campagne, K. (2016). Een verkeerde loop in ’t vuur: an initial investigation into what Dutch archival sources can tell us about techniques and problems in the production of 17th and 18th century Dutch tin-glaze tiles. In J. Delgado Rodrigues, & J. M. Mimoso (Eds.), Glaze Arch 2015: International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Architectural Heritage [cd-rom] Laboratório Nacional Engenharia Civil. [details]


    • Hendriks, E., Stols-Witlox, M. J. N., van Bommel, M. R., Snijders, E., Witte, A. A., van Lookeren Campagne, K. E., Cornelisse, S., & Boor, P. K. I. (2023). Constructing visible learning trajectories in the revision of the University of Amsterdam's Conservation programme. Web publication or website, ICOM-CC.


    • van Lookeren Campagne, K., Megens, L., & van Bommel, M. (2018). Understanding 17th-18th century Dutch Tin-glaze Through the Interpretation and Reconstruction of Historical Recipes. In S. Pereira, M. Menezes, & J. Delgado Rodrigues (Eds.), GlazeArt2018 : proceedings : International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage (pp. 150-164). (Reuniões nacionais e internacionais). Laboratório Nacional Engenharia Civil. [details]


    • van Lookeren Campagne, K. E. (2017). ‘Not too white’: an investigation into the influence of the use of calcium carbonate-rich imported marls on 17 - 18th century Dutch tin-glaze tile production. Abstract from TechnArt 2017, Bilbao, Spain.


    • van Lookeren Campagne, K. E. (2016). Reproducing 17th-18th century Dutch glaze recipes - what can the conservator learn?. Poster session presented at ICOM-CC Glass and Ceramics Working Group Interim Meeting, Wroclaw, Poland.


    • van Lookeren Campagne, K. E. (organiser) & Hilditch, J. (organiser) (8-12-2017). Dutch Ceramics and Glass Network Meeting, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • van Lookeren Campagne-Nuttall, K. E. (2022). Understanding Dutch tin-glazed tiles (1600-1750) through the interpretation of texts, analysis and recipe reconstruction. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Stichting Krouer- Muller museum
      restaurator sculptuur