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Dr. P.S. (Patricia) Lulof

Faculty of Humanities

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 1605
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Patricia Lulof is Associate Professor 1 of Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology in the Department of Archaeology (now Amsterdam Centre of Ancient Studies and Archaeology-ACASA) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Since September 2017, she is also director of (R)MA Studies of ACASA. Before her promotion as Associate Professor in 2007, she worked in the same department as an Assistant Professor since 1998. Her expertise focuses on Pre-Roman Archaeology and Archaic roofs, architecture and (digital) building techniques in particular. She is regarded a worldwide specialist in architectural terracottas and decorative roof systems.

    Since 2012, she is scientific director of the interdisciplinary 4D Research Lab of the Faculty of Humanities at UvA (since September 2017 with permanent funding), and supervised several successful projects in the context of 3D modelling and ancient architecture, among which The Art of Reconstruction (2012-2013, Faculty Research Priority Area Cultural Heritage and Identity), Archaeology of Architecture (2013-2014, Faculty Research Priority Area Creative Industry-Digital Humanities) and Biographies of Buildings. Virtual Futures for our Cultural Past (2014-2015, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, NIAS).

    She initiated the Acquarossa Memory Project in 2015, focusing on themes like the valorization of archaeological sites, the study of chaîne opératoire in archaic architecture, and (refereed) 3D technology in archaeology. In September 2017 she was awarded a KIEM grant (NWO-Creative Industry) with the project Living in the Past. Reconstructing Etruscan Houses in Acquarossa, of which she is PL.

    She co-organized three Conferences on Architectural Terracottas in Italy (Deliciae Fictiles II - 1996, IV - 2011 and V (Networks and Workshops. International Conference on Decorative Roof Systems in Italy, Napels 16-18 March 2018) and co-organized the Conference The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. History and Archaeeology, a crucial period for temples and roof construction. She organized the NIAS workshop Rome-Amsterdam in June 2015 and co-organized the interdisciplinary NIAS-Lorentz Centre workshop in June 2017 on Re-enactment, Replication, Reconstruction (with S. Dupré, A. Harris, J. Kursell and M. Stols-Witlox).

    She has served on twelve dissertation committees in the Netherlands, Sweden and Italy and has co-supervised several PhD projects. She is theme leader of Materiality and Material Culture in the Amsterdam Research School of Heritage and Memory (AHM) and chairs scientific committees of the 4D Research Lab and the peer-reviewed Deliciae Fictiles series; she is a member of peer-review committees for Studi archeologici "Aracne", Archeologia Classica, Oebalus, Digital Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, and  Studi Caeretana (CNR-ISMA) Rome and (Musée du Louvre) Paris and member of the Advisory panel of the Quality and Relevance in Humanities for SEP Research Assessment (Digital Humanities).

    She is (co-)author and editor of monographs, proceedings and peer-reviewed articles. Full list: and


    Books and articles (2016-2017):

    The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. Central Italy in the late sixth century BC, P.S. Lulof and Chr. Smith (edd), (Proceedings of the Conference The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. A paradigm shift? November 7-9, 2013, Rome), BABesch Supplements series 29, 2017.

    ‘The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. Ancient History and Archaeology: an introduction’ (with Chr. Smith), in P.S. Lulof and Chr. Smith (edd), (Proceedings of the Conference The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. Central Italy in the late sixth century BC ( November 7-9, 2013, Rome),  Babesch Supplements 29 (2017), 3-13.

    ‘New perspectives on the roof decorations of Caeretan temples’, in Caere – An Etruscan City. In Honor of Mario A. Del Chiaro. Cities of the Etruscans, Vol. 1. Series Editors, N. de Grummond and L. C. Pieraccini (edd.) 2016, 343-365.

    ‘Sirene o Arpie. Immagini di donne-ucello nella decorazione dei templi dellItalia preromana’, in C. Pepe, C. Rescigno, F. Senatore (a cura di), Sirene (Scienze e lettere dal 1919) Roma 2016, 47-61 (with L. Opgenhaffen).

    ‘La Biografia di un Tempio. Le terrecotte architettoniche del tempio di Iuno Sospita a Lanuvio’, in F. Zevi (ed.), Larcheologia del sacro e larcheologia del culto. Sabratha, Ebla, Ardea, Lanuvio. Lanuvio (Atti dei Convegni Lincei 302), Roma 2016, 217-235.

    ‘Networks and Workshops. Construction of temples at the dawn of the Roman Republic’. In J. Delaine et al. (ed.), Arqueología de la Construcción V. Man-made materials, Engineering and Infrastructure (5th International workshop on the Archaeology of Roman Construction, Oxford 11-12 April 2015), Anejos de AEspA vol. 77 (2016), 331-342.

    The Acquarossa Memory Project. Reconstructing an Etruscan Town, Giornale di Archeologia e Calcolatori 28 (2017), 69-78 (with M.H. Sepers).

    ‘The Greek connection. Terracotta Sculpture at the beginning of the 5th century BC in Italy in A. Moustaka (ed.), Terracotta Sculpture. New Discoveries and New Perspectives’ (Conference at the British School in Athens, 15 May 2015), = MELETAI of the ARCHAEOLOGIKON DELTION  XX, in press.

    The Age of Tarquinius Superbus.

    Patricia Lulof's research areas include Pre-Roman Archaeology, Archaic sanctuaries and architecture, Digital humanities and cultural heritage (4D reconstructions), Etruscan archaeology, Visual culture and iconography, Gender and Religion in Antiquity. She is an international specialist in Archaic Roof Decoration in Italy.

    Material semiotics/Workshops and networks

    New and old research topics in the field of technology, like petrographic analyses and stylistic and constructive studies, have shown a pattern of affinities between the workshops responsible for the construction of the temples and their terracotta roofs, focusing on the unravelling of the chaîne opératoire of building and rebuilding by elites, artisans and architects. Here interconnectivity and network theory is important to identify the characteristics and patterns that specifically shaped artisanal production in sacred contexts and shed light on relations between those in power and social economy.

    Digital Archaeology/Ancient Architecture in 4D

    3D Modelling is a major research tool in reconstructing ancient  architecture within their successive phases of creation, function, renovation, and destruction. The usage of visual digital research tools clarifies patterns in the transformations of buildings, from early antiquity until the early modern era. Mapping and modelling is done in two and three dimensions, and across time, which produces a fourth dimension. In this research topic traditional data, derived from archaeological excavations and architectural studies are being transformed into advanced digital 3D models, thus revealing all constructive solutions and detailed building techniques.



  • Curriculum

    Personal details: born 23-11-1955, Haarlem (NL). Master's: University of Amsterdam, 28 February 1986, cum laude; subject: Temple Statues in Latium. Phd: University of Amsterdam, 9 April 1991; Supervisor Prof. J.M. Hemelrijk. Monumental Terracotta Statues from Satricum. A late Archaic group of gods and giants

    Experience since graduating

    • October 1986 - February 1991, AIO Dept. Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Amsterdam. PhD research has been partially carried out in Rome, Villa Giulia Museum.
    • September 1992 - April 1997, Postdoc (0.8 fte), Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. Research topic: Coroplasts in Antiquity.
    • April 1998-April 2003, Assistant Professor, temporary position (0.4 fte); since April 2003, Assistant Professor, permanent position (0.2 fte), Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Amsterdam.
    • January 2005- September 2007 Assistant Professor Permanent position (0.6 fte) Amsterdam Archaeological Centre, University of Amsterdam.
    • September 2007- permanent position (0.6 fte), tenure, Amsterdam Archaeological Centre, University of Amsterdam, Associate Professor.
    • Guest professor at the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia April-May 2010 and May-June 2012 (programme ‘Architettura e Urbanistica’).
    • November 2012-Scientific Director of the 4D Research Lab, Faculty of Humanities University of Amsterdam.

    Administrative positions

    • November 1997-January 2000, temporary position (0.4 fte), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam. Co-ordinator of the PhD centre for Women of the University of Amsterdam.
    • April 1999-January 2005, permanent position (0.4 fte), Institutenkoepel University of Amsterdam with the following assignments:
    • April 1999-May 2002, managing director of the Belle van Zuylen Institute, Research Institute for Multi-Cultural and Comparative Gender Studies;
    • May-August 2002, position in the ISHSS. Co-ordination of student education agreements between the IES and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Amsterdam Conservatory;
    • November 2002-November 2004, temporary position in the Department of Art and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. Co-ordinator of higher education of Art and Culture in Amsterdam.
    • January 2004-July 2004, administrative temporary position (0.4 fte) in the Bureau Alumni relations and University Funding:
    • January 2014- member of the Subsidy team, Department of Research, Faculty of Humanities.
    • November 2017 – Director of (R)Ma Studies ACASA, Graduate School, Faculty of Humanities

    Committees, boards and memberships

    • Committees PhD theses University of Amsterdam, Groningen, Naples, Lund and Free University Amsterdam.
    • Application committees Netherlands Research Council (NWO): Free Competition (2012); Collaboration Flanders (2012); Free Competition (2014 I-II)
    • Editorial Boards, International Scientific Boards, and external reviewer: Studi archeologici, Editrice "Aracne", Napels; Deliciae Fictiles series, Oxbow, Oxford; Archeologia Classica, Rome; Oebalus, Napels; Studi Caeretana (CNR-ISMA) Rome and (Musée du Louvre) Paris
    • Member of Advisory panel of the Quality and Relevance in Humanities for SEP Research Assessment (Digital Humanities).
  • Grants & Conferences

    Grants and funding

    • Research grant Utopa Foundation (1996-2001) for Architectutal Terracottas from the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam.
    • Replacement grant NWO (2005-2006) for Architectural Terracottas from the Sanctuary of Mater Matuta at Satricum.
    • Publication grant Loeb Foundation (2011) for Deliciae Fictiles IV. Images of Gods, Heroes and Monsters.
    • Replacement grant Faculty of Humanities, UvA (2013) for Reconstructing Rome’s Golden Age. Visualizing Temples and Authority from the last Tarquin to the Roman Republic (530-480 BC), research proposal NWO Free Competition to be submitted.
    • Grant received for funding a 3-4D Lab Facility (2012-2013) from the UvA’s Additional Funds focusing on Heritage and Identity, pilot project entitled The Art of Reconstruction.
    • Grant received for two embedded researchers (2013-2014) from CIRCA/Centre of Digital Humanities (UvA) entitled: Archaeology of Architecture. Presentation and publication of Virtual 3D Reconstructions
    • An application has been awarded for a replacement subsidies and international fellowships (in a team research proposal, coordinator with Prof. dr. Bram Kempers) at the NIAS institution of the KNAW entitled: Biographies of Buildings: Virtual Futures for our Cultural Past for the academic year 2014-2015.
    • As of September 1 2014, the 4D Research Lab was consolidated with the continuation of the technical staff (twice 0.5 fte) with CREATE Creative Amsterdam: An E-Humanities Perspective.
    • As of September 30 2017, the 4D Research Lab has been consolidated for the near future (3 years) with the continuation of the technical and teaching staff, funded by the Fund for the Sustainable Humanities and ACASA.
    • An application for the funding of a 3D Scanner (HDI Advance, R3X-Monochrome) has been awarded by the AUF for the 4D Research Lab, Project Artefacta Virtualia, December 2014.
    • Participation (4D Research Lab, modeler) Free Competition; with James Symonds (Diaspora and identity: an integrated archaeological and historical investigation into material life, social identities, and diet in the Jewish district of Vlooienburg, Amsterdam (AD 1600-1800).
    • Participation (4D Research Lab, modeler) Hera Uses of the Past; with Rob van der Laarse (Accessing Campscapes: Inclusive Strategies for Using European Conflicted Heritage).
    • Buildings of the Past. A Website for the 4D Lab – ACASA research funding 2016.
    • Mater Matuta Revisited. The Satricum Sacellum Rebuilt – ACASA research funding 2016.
    • Re-Enactment Replication Reconstruction Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performative Methodologies. Workshop 12-16 June 2017. Lorentz Centre (with M. Stols-Witlox and S. Dupré).
    • Living in the Past. Reconstructing Etruscan Houses in Acquarossa. KIEM/NWO-Creative Industry-Subsidy Oktober 2017-August 2018.

    Organization of international conferences

    • Deliciae Fictiles II. Second International Conference on Italic Architectural Terracottas, Rome (June 1996, 25 papers), with E. Moormann. Published in 1997.
    • Deliciae Fictiles IV. Fourth International Conference on Italic Architectural Terracottas, Rome and Sicily (October 2009, 50 papers and 21 posters), with C. Rescigno. Published in 2011.
    • The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. A paradigm shift? Conference on Tarquinius Superbus: Archaeology and Ancient History (November 2013, 80 papers, 20 posters), with Ch. Smith. Publication 2016.
    • Digitizing Virtual Memories in Architecture: Rome and Amsterdam. Workshop at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS), Wassenaar, 9-10 June 2015 (in collaboration with Research Group Fellows).
    • Re-Enactment Replication Reconstruction. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performative Methodologies (Lorentz Centre 12-16 June 2017, with M. Stols Witlox and S. Dupré).
    • Antiker Bausmuck aus Terrakotta: Work in Progress. Ein Symposium der HUG, 19-20 January 2018, as referent (25 participants).
    • Deliciae Fictiles V. Networks and Workshops. The Fifth International Conference on Architectural Terracottas, Naples 16-18 March 2018, with Carlo Rescigno and Ilaria Manzini  (65 participants).
  • Publications


    • Lulof, P. S. (2022). Temples in the age of Tarquinius Superbus. Workshops and networks in archaic Central Italy. In O. De Cazanove, A. Pollini, N. Monteix, & A. Esposito (Eds.), Travailler à l’ombre du temple, Activités de production et lieux de culte dans le monde antique (Vol. 57, pp. 63-84). Collections du Centre Jean Bérard.
    • Lulof, P. S., & Opgenhaffen, L. (2022). Connecting Foundations and Roofs: The Satricum Sacellum and the Sant’Omobono Sanctuary. In C. R. Potts (Ed.), Architecture in Ancient Central Italy: Connections in Etruscan and Early Roman Building (pp. 125-147). (British School at Rome Studies). Cambridge University Press. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Waagen, J., García Sánchez, J., van der Heiden, M., Kuiters, A., & Lulof, P. (2022). In the Heat of the Night: Comparative Assessment of Drone Thermography at the Archaeological Sites of Acquarossa, Italy, and Siegerswoude, The Netherlands. Drones, 6(7), Article 165. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2021). Loyal Friends. Dogs in architectural terracotta decoration. In V. Annoncia, A. Piergrossi, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Leggere il passato, costriuire il futuro. Gli Etruschi e gli altri popoli del Mediterraneo. Scritti in onore di Gilda Bartoloni (Vol. I-II), Mediterranea. Studi e ricerche sul Mediterraneo antico XVIII (Vol. XVIII, pp. 257-266). (Mediterranea. Studi e ricerche sul Mediterraneo antico ). Edizioni Quasar.



    • Lulof, P. S. (2018). "Greek" Connections in Rome. The Amazon of the Esquiline and Terracotta Sculpture at the Beginning of the 5th Century BC. In A. Moustaka (Ed.), Πήλινα γλυπτά και κεραμώσεις : νέα ευρήματα και νέες προοπτικές = Terracotta sculpture and roofs : new discoveries & new perspectives : Παρασκευή 15 Μαϊου 2015, Upper House, Βρετανική Σχολή Αθηνών : πρακτικά = Friday, 15th May 2015, Upper House, British School at Athens : proceedings (pp. 171-193). Ypourgeío Politismoú kai Athlītismoú. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S., & Sepers, M. H. (2017). The Acquarossa Memory Project: Reconstructing an Etruscan Town. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 28(2), 233-242. [details]
    • Lulof, P., & Smith, C. (2017). The Age of Tarquinius Superbus: History and Archaeology. In P. S. Lulof, & C. J. Smith (Eds.), The age of Tarquinius Superbus: Central Italy in the late 6th century BC: Proceedings of the Conference The age of Tarquinius Superbus, a paradigm shift? : Rome, 7-9 November 2013 (pp. 3-16). (BABesch. Supplement; Vol. 29). Peeters. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2016). La biografia di un tempio. Le terrecotte architettoniche del Tempio di Iuno Sospita a Lanuvio. In F. Zevi (Ed.), L'archeologia del sacro e l'archeologia del culto : Sabratha, Ebla, Ardea, Lanuvio : giornate di studio : Roma, 8-11 ottobre 2013. Lanuvio (pp. 217-235). (Atti dei Convegni Lincei; Vol. 302). Bardi edizioni. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2016). Networks and Workshops: Construction of temples at the dawn of the Roman Republic. In J. DeLaine, S. Camporeale, & A. Pizzo (Eds.), Arqueología de la construcción, 5 : Man-made materials, engineering and infrastructure: proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the Archaeology of Roman Construction, Oxford, April 11-12, 2015 (pp. 331-342). (Anejos de Archivo español de arqueología; Vol. 77). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2016). New perspectives on the Acroteria of Careretan Temples. In N. Thomson De Grummond, & L. C. Pieraccini (Eds.), Caere (pp. 131-140). (Cities of the Etruscans; No. 1). University of Texas Press. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2016). The Coastal Sanctuary of Ardea: The Architectural Terracottas of Temple B in the Context of Archaic Roof Systems and Greek Myths. In M. Torelli, & E. Marroni (Eds.), L'archeologia del sacro e l'archeologia del culto: Sabratha, Ebla, Ardea, Lanuvio : (Roma, 8-11 ottobre 2013) Ardea (pp. 117-138). (Atti dei Convegni Lincei; Vol. 295). Bardi edizioni. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2014). Reconstructing a golden age in temple construction: temples and roofs from the last Tarquin to the Roman Republic (c.530-480 B.C.) in Rome, Etruria and Latium. Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplementary Series, 97, 113-125. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S., Opgenhaffen, L., & Sepers, M. H. (2013). The Art of Reconstruction. Documenting the process of 3D modeling: some preliminary results. In A. C. Addison, G. Guidi, L. De Luca, & S. Pescarin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage): federating the 19th Int'l VSMM, 10th Eurographics GCH, & 2nd UNESCO Memory of the World Conferences, plus special sessions from CAA, Arqueologica 2.0, Space2Place, ICOMOS, ICIP & CIPA, EU projects, et al.: 28 Oct-1 Nov, Marseille, France. - Volume 2 (pp. 333-337). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. [details]


    • Lulof, P. (2012). Etruscan Roofs and their Decoration. In B. Cavaliere, & J. Udell (Eds.), Ancient Mediterranean art: the William D. and Jane Walsh collection at Fordham University (pp. 196-207). New York: Fordham University Press. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2012). The Art of Reconstruction and the Image of Power. In C. Chiaramonte Treré, G. Bagnasco Gianni, & F. Chiesa (Eds.), Interpretando l'antico: scritti di archeologia offerti a Maria Bonghi Jovino (pp. 157-176). (Quaderni di ACME; No. 134). Milano: Cisalpino. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2012). Un miracolo d’immagini. Il tempio cosiddetto tardoarcaico di Satricum. Ostraka, Vol. spec., 439-452. [details]


    • Lulof, P. (2011). The Late Archaic Miracle. Roof decoration in Central Italy between 510 and 450 BC. In P. Lulof, & C. Rescigno (Eds.), Deliciae Fictiles IV: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes: proceedings of the international conference held in Rome (Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Royal Netherlands Institute) and Syracuse (Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi), October 21-25, 2009 (pp. 23-31). Oxbow Books. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Il tempio arcaico di di Caprifico: l’immagine ritrovato. Officina etruscologia, 5, 267-277. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Symbols of Wealth and Power e l’imagery dei sistemi di prima fase di Satricum e Caprifico. Officina etruscologia, 5, 259-266. [details]
    • Lulof, P., & Rescigno, C. (2011). Introduzione. In P. Lulof, & C. Rescigno (Eds.), Deliciae Fictiles IV: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes: proceedings of the international conference held in Rome (Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Royal Netherlands Institute) and Syracuse (Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi), October 21-25, 2009 (pp. xii-xiv). Oxbow Books. [details]
    • Winter, N., & Lulof, P. (2011). Young Apollo: A new reconstruction of an acroterial statue from Veii. In P. Lulof, & C. Rescigno (Eds.), Deliciae Fictiles IV: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes: proceedings of the international conference held in Rome (Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Royal Netherlands Institute) and Syracuse (Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi), October 21-25, 2009 (pp. 505-507). Oxbow Books. [details]



    • Lulof, P. S. (2007). L'Amazzone dell'Esquilino: una nuova ricostruzione. Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma, 108, 7-31. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2006). Roofs from the South. Campanian Architectural Terracottas in Satricum. In I. Edlund-Berry, G. Greco, & J. Kenfield (Eds.), Deliciae Fictiles III : Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: New Discoveries and Interpretations: proceedings of the international conference held at the American Academy in Rome, November 7-8, 2002 (pp. 235-243). Oxbow Books. [details]



    • Graffeo, V., & Lulof, P. (2019). Il frontone in terracotta di Larisa sull’Hermos. In P. Lulof, I. Manzini, & C. Rescigno (Eds.), Deliciae Fictiles V : Networks and Workshops : Architectural Terracottas and Decorative Roof Systems in Italy and beyond: proceedings of the fifth international conference held at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, March 15-17, 2018 (pp. 49-62). Oxbow Books. [details]
    • Lulof, P., Manzini, I., & Rescigno, C. (Eds.) (2019). Deliciae Fictiles V : Networks and Workshops : Architectural Terracottas and Decorative Roof Systems in Italy and beyond: proceedings of the fifth international conference held at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, March 15-17, 2018. Oxbow Books. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S., & Opgenhaffen, L. (2016). Sirene o Arpie: Immagini di donne-ucello nella decorazione dei templi dell’Italia preromana. In C. Pepe, C. Rescigno, & F. Senatore (Eds.), Sirene: Atti del VI ciclo di conferenze 'Piano di Sorrento. Una storia di terra e di mare' Sezione Sirene 2013 (pp. 47-62). Scienze e lettere dal 1919. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). A priestly tomb: Cinque Sedie. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 141-144). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). De Etrusken en de anderen. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 145-146). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). De Etrusken. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 11). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Een priestergraf: Cinque Sedie. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 140-143). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Eminent women, powerful men. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 30-42). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Goddesses, priests and temples. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 109-110). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Godinnen, priesters en tempels. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 109-110). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Het einde van de Etruskische macht. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 154-161). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Tempels en terracotta beelden. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 110-115, 119-122). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Temples and terracottas. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 110-116, 120-122). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). The Etruscans and the others. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 145-146). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). The Etruscans. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 11-12). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). The art of reconstruction: de wetenschappelijke waarde van 3D-simulaties bij de analyse van pre-Romeinse tempels en daken. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 23(46), 14-24. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). The end of the Etruscan power. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 154-161). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2011). Vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 30-40). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., & Mura Sommella, A. (2011). A unique culture. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 12-16). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., & Mura Sommella, A. (2011). Een bijzondere cultuur. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 12-16). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., & Mura Sommella, A. (2011). Herkomst, etniciteit en geschiedenis. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht (pp. 16-22). WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., & Mura Sommella, A. (2011). Origins, ethnicity and history. In P. S. Lulof, & I. van Kampen (Eds.), Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men (pp. 16-22). Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., van Kampen, I., van Beek, R., Halbertsma, R., van der Meer, L. B., & van der Zon, T. (2011). Etruscans: eminent women, powerful men. Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., van Kampen, I., van Beek, R., Halbertsma, R., van der Meer, L. B., & van der Zon, T. (2011). Etrusken: vrouwen van aanzien, mannen met macht. Zwolle: WBooks. [details]
    • Lulof, P., & Rescigno, C. (Eds.) (2011). Deliciae Fictiles IV: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes: proceedings of the international conference held in Rome (Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Royal Netherlands Institute) and Syracuse (Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi), October 21-25, 2009. Oxbow Books. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2010). Manufacture and reconstruction. In D. Palombi (Ed.), Il tempio arcaico di Caprifico di Torrecchia (Cisterna di Latina): i materiali e il contesto (pp. 79-111). Quasar. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2010). The architectural terracottas from Caprifico. In D. Palombi (Ed.), Il tempio arcaico di Caprifico di Torrecchia (Cisterna di Latina): i materiali e il contesto (pp. 25-78). Quasar. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., Christiansen, J., & Winter, N. (2010). Acroteria. In J. Christiansen, & N. A. Winter (Eds.), Catalogue Etruria I: Architectural terracottas and painted wall plaques, pinakes c. 625-200 BC: Ny Calrsberg Glyptotek (pp. 140-159). Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S., Christiansen, J., & Winter, N. (2010). Columen and mutulus plaques. In J. Christiansen, & N. A. Winter (Eds.), Catalogue Etruria I: Architectural terracottas and painted wall plaques, pinakes c. 625-200 BC: Ny Calrsberg Glyptotek (pp. 160-171). Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2009). De verloren tempels van Caere en Caprifico: conflicterende belangen bij de teruggave van geroofde archeologica. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 21(41), 45-52, 54. [details]


    • Knoop, R., & Lulof, P. (2007). L'età arcaica. L'architettura templare. In M. Gnade (Ed.), Satricum: trenta anni di scavi olandesi: catalogo della mostra, Le Ferriere, Latina, 26 ottobre 2007-29 febbraio 2008 (pp. 32-42). Amsterdam/Leuven: Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum/Peeters. [details]
    • Lulof, P. S. (2007). Architectural Terracottas in the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. (Collections of the Allard Pierson Museum; No. 2). Amsterdam: Allard Pierson Museum. [details]


    • Lulof, P. S. (2006). 'Una Bottega-Tettoia ionica a Caere'. In Dinamiche di sviluppo delle città nell' Etruria meridionale. Veio, Caere, Tarquinia, Vulci (Atti del XXIII Convegno di Studi Etruschi ed Italici) (pp. 209-213) [details]



    • Lulof, P. S. (2012). De Etrusken en de tijd: de vooroudercultus in leven en dood. Simulacrum, 20(3/4), 80-85. [details]

    Membership / relevant position

    • Lulof, P. S. & Rescigno, C. (2010-2011). Deliciae Fictiles IV Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes; Fourth International Conference on Architectural Terracottas from Ancient Italy, Royal Dutch Institute Rome.


    • Lulof, P. (organiser), Dupre, S. (organiser), Stols-Witlox, M. J. N. (organiser), Kursell, J. J. E. (organiser) & Harris, A. (organiser) (6-12-2018 - 7-12-2018). Re-Enactment Replication Reconstruction. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performative Methodologies, Amsterdam. Re-Enactment Replication Reconstruction. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Performative Methodologies (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lulof, P. (participant), Rescigno, C. (organiser) & Manzini, I. (member of programme committee) (15-3-2018 - 18-3-2018). Deliciae Fictiles V. Networks and Workshops, Naples (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lulof, P. (participant) (19-1-2018 - 20-1-2018). Antiker Bausmuck aus Terrakotta: Work in Progress. Ein Symposium der HUG, Berlin (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stols-Witlox, M. (organiser), Lulof, P. S. (organiser), Dupré, S. G. M. (organiser), Kursell, J. J. E. (organiser) & Harris, A. (organiser) (12-6-2017 - 16-6-2017). Re-enactment, Replication, Reconstruction, Leiden. International workshop with the goals were to reflect on reconstruction, re-enactment and replication (RRR) practices across the fields of history of (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dupré, S. G. M. (organiser), Harris, A. (organiser), Kursell, J. (organiser), Lulof, P. S. (organiser) & Stols-Witlox, M. J. N. (organiser) (2017). Lorentz Workshop Re-enactment, Replication, Reconstruction, Leiden. The workshop brings together specialists from the fields of art history, archaeology, conservation, musicology and anthropology. Its goals are to (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Lulof, P. S. (organiser) (7-11-2013 - 9-11-2013). Conference on Tarquinius Superbus: Archaeology and Ancient History (with Chr. Smith), Rome. The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. A paradigm shift? (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Russell , F. (2024). Keeping it real: Museums and technology in the digital era. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Wallner, C. (2023). Das ästhetische Körperideal in der griechischen Antike: Ein digitaler Ansatz zur Wahrnehmung der menschlichen Körperästhetik durch biometrische Analyse von klassischen und hellenistischen Skulpturen. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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