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Dr H.L. (Hayley) Mickleburgh

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Archeologie

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Social media
  • About me

    I am an archaeologist and a certified 3D modelling and animation specialist, with training and research/teaching experience in forensic archaeology, mortuary archaeology and digital archaeology. I teach digital and science-based archaeology and am the Scientific Director of the 4D Research Lab (4DRL). My research interests and expertise cover the archaeology of death and burial, forensic archaeology, forensic taphonomy, mass graves, 3D visualization in achaeology, sensory archaeology, ethics regarding human remains in archaeology and museum contexts, and Caribbean archaeology.

    I have developed and currently lead an innovative, interdisciplinary program of human decomposition experiments at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University (FACTS). This research combines actualistic taphonomic experiments with 3D visualization methods, and a variety of biomolecular, biogeochemical, geophysical and remote sensing techniques to improve methods, models and interpretations in mortuary archaeology (especially archaeothanatology) and forensic archaeology. I developed and lead the Mass Grave project at FACTS: a taphonomic experiment simulating a small scale mass grave with the aim to improve the detection, excavation and documentation of mass graves. I use a variety of 3D digital tools for documentation, analysis and visualization of taphonomic processes, including Structure from Motion photogrammetry, laser scanning, and 3D computer graphics and 3D animation. 

    I am the president of the Netherlands Association for Physical Anthropology (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fysische Antropologie, NVFA), and a member of the council of the British Association for Human Identification (BAHID). I am also an editorial board member for the Springer Soil Forensics Series. I hold professional certifications in both clay and digital Forensic Facial Reconstruction (Dundee University; Texas State University; Philippe Froesch) as well as 3D modelling and animation (Maxon certified; College of Multimedia).

  • Publications





    • Mickleburgh, H. L., Schwalbe, E. C., Bonicelli, A., Mizukami, H., Sellitto, F., Starace, S., Wescott, D. J., Carter, D. O., & Procopio, N. (2021). Human Bone Proteomes before and after Decomposition: Investigating the Effects of Biological Variation and Taphonomic Alteration on Bone Protein Profiles and the Implications for Forensic Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research, 20(5), 2533-2546.
    • Mickleburgh, H. L., Stutz, L. N., & Fokkens, H. (2021). Virtual Archaeology of Death and Burial: A Procedure for Integrating 3D Visualization and Analysis in Archaeothanatology. Open Archaeology, 7, 540-555.
    • Opgenhaffen, L., Revello Lami, M., & Mickleburgh, H. (2021). Art, Creativity and Automation. From Charters to Shared 3D Visualization Practices. Open Archaeology, 7, 1648-1659. [details]


    • Kootker, L. M., von Holstein, I. C. C., Broeders, J., Wescott, D. J., Davies, G. R., & Mickleburgh, H. L. (2020). Reprint of: The effects of decomposition and environment on antemortem H-Pb-Sr isotope compositions and degradation of human scalp hair: Actualistic taphonomic observations. Forensic Science International, 317, Article 110463.
    • Kootker, L. M., von Holstein, I. C. C., Broeders, J., Wescott, D. J., Davies, G. R., & Mickleburgh, H. L. (2020). The effects of decomposition and environment on antemortem H-Pb-Sr isotope compositions and degradation of human scalp hair: Actualistic taphonomic observations. Forensic Science International, 312, Article 110336.
    • Mickleburgh, H. L., Nilsson Stutz, L., & Fokkens, H. (2020). Digital Archaeology of Death and Burial. Using 3D Reconstruction, Visualization and Simulation to Frame Past Experience. In J. Hansson , & J. Svensson (Eds.), Digital Humanities: Concepts, Approaches, Cases (pp. 121-145). Linnaeus University Press.


    • Mickleburgh, H. L., Hoogland, M. L. P., Laffoon, J., Weston, D. A., Valcárcel Rojas, R., van Duijvenbode, A., & Mol, A. A. A. (2019). Defining non-normative practices in a variable funerary record: insights from the Caribbean. In T. Betsinger, A. Scott, & A. Tsaliki (Eds.), The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange. : Bioarchaeological Explorations of Atypical Burials (pp. 114-132). The University Press of Florida (UPF).
    • Mickleburgh, H. L., Laffoon, J. E., Pagán Jiménez, J. R., Mol, A. A. A., Walters, S., Beier, Z. J. M., & Hofman, C. L. (2019). Precolonial/early colonial human burials from the site of White Marl, Jamaica: New findings from recent rescue excavations. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 29(1), 155-161.


    • Laffoon, J. E., Espersen, R., & Mickleburgh, H. L. (2018). The Life History of an Enslaved African: Multiple Isotope Evidence for Forced Childhood Migration from Africa to the Caribbean and Associated Dietary Change. Archaeometry, 60(2), 350-365.
    • Mickleburgh, H. L. (2018). Actualistic experimental taphonomy of inhumation burial. In P. M. Barone, & W. J. M. Groen (Eds.), Forensic Archaeology and Human Remains (pp. 105-115). (Springer Soil Forensics; Vol. 2). Springer.
    • Mickleburgh, H. L., & Laffoon, J. E. (2018). Assessing dietary and subsistence transitions on prehistoric Aruba: Preliminary bioarchaeological evidence. In The Archaeology of Caribbean and Circum-Caribbean Farmers (6000 BC - AD 1500) (pp. 288-306). Taylor and Francis Ltd..
    • Mickleburgh, H. L., & Wescott, D. J. (2018). Controlled experimental observations on joint disarticulation and bone displacement of a human body in an open pit: Implications for funerary archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 20, 158-167.


    • Mickleburgh, H. L. (2016). Dental Wear and Pathology in the Precolonial Caribbean: Evidence for Dietary Change in the Ceramic Age. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 26(2), 290-302.


    • Mickleburgh, H. L. (2015). Dental Analysis. In K. Bescherer, & M. Beaudry (Eds.), The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia Rowman & Littlefield.


    • Valcárcel Rojas, R., Pérez Iglesias, L., Guarch Rodríguez, E., Martinon Torres, M., Weston, D. A., Laffoon, J. E., Bayliss, A., Newsom, L., Mickleburgh, H. L., van Duijvenbode, A., Persons, A. B., Cooper, J., Guarch Rodríguez, J., & Cruz Ramírez, J. (2014). Nuevas Investigaciones Arqueológicas en El Chorro de Maíta: De espacio Indígena a escenario de dominación colonial. Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba , 4(2), 1-9.


    • Crespo Torres, E., Mickleburgh, H. L., & Valcárcel Rojas, R. (2013). The Study of Pre-Columbian Human Remains in the Caribbean Archipelago. From Descriptive Osteology to a Bioarchaeological Approach. In W. Keegan, C. Hofman, & R. Rodriguez (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Archaeology (pp. 436-451)


    • Hofman, C. L., Hoogland, M. L. P., Mickleburgh, H. L., Laffoon, J. E., Weston, D. A., & Field, M. H. (2012). Life and death at precolumbian Lavoutte, Saint Lucia, lesser antilles. Journal of Field Archaeology, 37(3), 209-225.
    • Mickleburgh, H. L., & Pagán-Jiménez, J. R. (2012). New insights into the consumption of maize and other food plants in the pre-Columbian Caribbean from starch grains trapped in human dental calculus. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(7), 2468-2478.


    • Valcárcel Rojas, R., Weston, D. A., Mickleburgh, H. L., Laffoon, J. E., & van Duijvenbode, A. (2011). El Chorro de Maíta: A diverse approach to a context of diversity. In C. Hofman, & A. van Duijvenbode (Eds.), Communities in Contact: Essays in Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and Ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean (pp. 225-251). Sidestone Press.


    • Mickleburgh, H. L. (2016). Dental wear and pathology at Chorro de Maita, Cuba. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159, 228-228.

    Prize / grant


    • Slootjes, D. (organiser), Stocks, C. (organiser) & Mickleburgh, H. (organiser) (21-11-2024). Games at the Edge of Empire: a Digital Games Workshop, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Opgenhaffen, L. (organiser), Revello Lami, M. (organiser) & Mickleburgh, H. (organiser) (20-2-2020 - 22-2-2020). Archon Winter School Sharing Practices, Amersfoort. The 2020 Archon Winter School Sharing Practices: Archaeological 3D Visualisation in the Netherlands aims to move beyond traditional research (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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