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Dr. M. (Mario) Panico

Postdoctoral fellow
Faculty of Humanities
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
Postal address
  • Postbus 94551
    1090 GN Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Mario Panico is a lecturer and postdoctoral fellow at the Amsterdam School of Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM). He deals with issues related to cultural heritage, memory space, nostalgia and representations of genocide perpetrators in trauma sites and museums. He is currently working on a research project entitled "Perpetrators' Heritage. Material Cultures and Imaginaries" and investigates the strategies of preservation and resemantisation of sites associated with the daily lives of perpetrators of crimes against humanity.

    In particular, he is studying how perpetrators' houses and villas built near concentration and transit camps in Europe and detention centers in Latin America have been musealised and/or artistically resemantised to critically discuss accountabilities and complicities. 

    He has published on the relationship between monumentality and conflict; heritage, nostalgia and urban practices; family memories and the theory of implication. He is currently editing the Italian translation of two articles by Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer (on the relationship between post-memory and nostalgia) and his next monograph will be entitled "Nostalgia, Spatial Consolation and Conflict Heritage" (Palgrave Macmillan).

    Fields of interest:

    • Heritage and Memory Studies
    • Narrative Theory
    • Visual Studies
    • Perpetrator Studies
  • Teaching

    Mario Panico is a lecturer for the MA in Heritage and Memory Studies. In particular, he teaches
    - Heritage and Memory Theory
    - Current Issues: Excursion Abroad
    - Thesis Seminar

  • Publications


    • Bellentani, F., Panico, M., & Yoka, L. (Eds.) (2024). Semiotic Approaches to Urban Space: Signs and Cities. (Spatial interventions). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]
    • Bellentani, F., Panico, M., & Yoka, L. (Eds.) (2024). Introduction to Semiotic Approaches to Urban Space . In F. Bellentani, M. Panico, & L. Yola (Eds.), Semiotic Approaches to Urban Space: Signs and Cities (pp. 1-14). (Spatial interventions). Edward Elgar Publishing. [details]
    • Panico, M. (2024). Rileggere Marianne Hirsch. Postmemoria e riscrittura del passato traumatico familiare. Societa Editrice Il Mulino.
    • Panico, M. (2024). Spaces for Nostalgia: Difficult Memories and Material Consolations. Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Panico, M. (2024). Filters, Risks and Ironies: An Inquiry between Nostalgia and Trauma. In L. van Liere, & S. Sremac (Eds.), Trauma and Nostalgia: Practices in Memory and Identity (pp. 57–86). (Heritage and Memory Studies). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Panico, M. (2024). Offended by Bronze. Monuments, Speech Acts and Memory Competence. Lexia, 211.
    • Panico, M. (2024). Representing the Material Infra-Ordinary of the Perpetrator. Journal of Perpetrator Research, 7(1), 71-104. [details]
    • Panico, M. (2024). Semiotics and Nostalgia. In T. Becker, & D. Trigg (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nostalgia (pp. 84-95). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    • Panico, M. (2024). Violence and Domesticity. Nazi Perpetrators’ Houses between Preservation and Resemantisation. In M. Cassani Simonetti, & R. Mira (Eds.), Transizioni di memoria. Narrazioni della violenza nel XX e nel XXI secolo (pp. 261-278). ( I libri di Viella). Viella.
    • Panico, M. (2024). “Adapt or Resist?” Narratives of Implication and Perpetration in the Verzetsmuseum in Amsterdam. In I. Saloul, P. Violi, A. M. Lorusso, & C. Demaria (Eds.), Questioning Traumatic Heritage: Spaces of memory in Europe and South America (pp. 125-144). Amsterdam University Press.
    • Saloul, I. A. M., Berrebi, S. Y., Munawar, N. A., & Panico, M. (2024). Heritage, Memory and Material Culture: Research-Teaching-Society Nexus. (History, Culture and Heritage). Amsterdam University Press.



    • Demaria, C., & Panico, M. (2022). Remembering the other, repositioning oneself: the right to a biography and autocommunication in perpetrator and collaborator descendant documentaries. Social Semiotics, 32(5), 689-707. [details]


    Journal editor

    • Panico, M. (editor) (2023). Palgrave Macmillan (Publisher).
    • Panico, M. (editor) (2022). Heritage, Memory and Conflict Journal (HMC) (Journal).
    • Panico, M. (editor) (2022). Versus : quaderni di studi semiotici (Journal).


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities