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Dr. C.B.M. (Chiara) Piccoli

Research Associate and Data Scientist
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Archeologie

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
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  • Profile

    Chiara Piccoli is Research Associate and Data Scientist in the field of 3D reconstruction in the humanities at the 4D Research Lab (Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam). She is an affiliated member of the UvA Data Science Centre. In her research, she investigates the historical relationship between people, their built environments, and their material culture with the aid of digital methods, in particular 3D modelling and GIS mapping.

    From 2018 to 2022, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam in the NWO-funded project Virtual Interiors as Interfaces for Big Historical Data. By researching archival and building historical sources, she created 3D reconstructions of a selection of interiors from seventeenth-century Amsterdam houses aiming to investigate the use and experiences of domestic spaces. One of the results of her research is her forthcoming monograph on the home library and books of Pieter de Graeff (1638-1707), Amsterdam patrician and VOC director (Brill, 2025).

    Prior to that, she worked as research and teaching staff member in the Digital Archaeology group of Leiden University and was appointed researcher in the FP7 European project CEEDS - The Collective Experience of Empathic Data Systems. The project's overarching goal was to develop innovative tools that would exploit implicit human responses to guide users in discovering patterns and meaning within large datasets.

    She is the author of Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity: from early modern reconstruction drawings to digital 3D models (Archaeopress, 2018) resulting from her PhD research. She co-edited Advanced research and design tools for architectural heritage. Unforeseen paths (Routledge, 2024) with Stefania Stellacci and Danilo Giglitto, and The three dimensions of archaeology (Archaeopress, 2016) with Hans Kamermans, Wieke de Neef, Axel G. Posluschny and Roberto Scopigno. 

    At the University of Amsterdam, she coordinates the course "Digital 3D Techniques and Methodologies for Conservation and Art Technological Research", part of the Master's in Conservation and Restoration, and co-teaches "De Digitale Stad" (The digital city), part of the Master's in Architectural History. In 2024 she was awarded a grassroots grant to develop a prototype immersive Virtual Reality environment for teaching digital restoration practices.

    Chiara holds an MA degree in Greek and Roman Archaeology (University of Siena, 2008) and an MA degree in Book and Digital Media Studies (Leiden University, 2010) for which she was awarded the Tiele-Stichting thesis prize in 2011 for the best thesis in the field of Book Studies in the Netherlands.

    Project portfolio at

  • Publications


    • Piccoli, C. B. M. (in press). Pieter de Graeff (1638-1707) and his treffelyke bibliotheek: Exploring and reconstructing an early modern private library as a book collection and as a physical space. (The Library of the Written Word). Brill.


    • Li, W., & Piccoli, C. (2024). Placing Value in Domestic Interiors: 3D Spatial Mapping of Pieter de Graeff and Jacoba Bicker’s Home Art Collection. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 139(2), 4-37. [details]
    • Piccoli, C. B. M. (2024). A Peek Behind the Façade. The Virtual Interiors approach to visualise Herengracht 573 in the 17th century. Storia Urbana, 79-98.
    • Stellacci, S. (Ed.), Giglitto, D. (Ed.), & Piccoli, C. B. M. (2024). Advanced Research and Design Tools for Architectural Heritage: Unforeseen Paths. (Design and the Built Environment). Routledge.


    • Li, W., & Piccoli, C. (2022). Boedelinventarissen als hulpmiddel voor de reconstructies van interieurs. In M. Hell (Ed.), Alle Amsterdamse Akten: Ruzie, rouw en roddels bij de notaris, 1578-1915 (pp. 144-149, 202-203). (Jaarboek van het Genootschap Amstelodamum ; Vol. 114). Uitgeverij Virtùmedia. [details]
    • Piccoli, C. (2022). [Review of: M. Forte, H. Murteira (2020) Digital Cities : Between History and Archaeology]. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 33(66), 45-47. [details]
    • van den Heuvel, C., van Tussenbroek, G., Noordegraaf, J., Piccoli, C., & Li, W. (2022). Virtual Interiors en de gelaagde stad: Een inkijk in een digitaal lab voor een ruimtelijke geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Stadsgeschiedenis, 17(2), 116-149. [details]



    • Huurdeman, H. C., & Piccoli, C. (2020). "More than just a Picture" - The Importance of Context in Search User Interfaces for Three-Dimensional Content. In CHIIR '20: proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval : March 14-18, 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada (pp. 338-342). The Association for Computing Machinery. [details]


    • Piccoli, C. (2018). Visualizing cityscapes of classical antiquity: From early modern reconstruction drawings to digital 3D models: With a case study from the ancient town of Koroneia in Boeotia, Greece. In Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity: from early modern reconstruction drawings to digital 3D models With a case study from the ancient town of Koroneia in Boeotia, Greece (pp. 1-314). Archaeopress.


    • Piccoli, C. (2017). Visualizing antiquity before the digital age: Early and late modern reconstructions of Greek and Roman cityscapes. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 47, 225-257.


    • Kamermans, H., de Neef, W., Piccoli, C., Posluschny, A. G., & Scopigno, R. (2016). The three dimensions of archaeology: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP world congress (1-7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 7/sessions A4b and A12. Archaeopress.
    • Piccoli, C. (2016). Enhancing GIS urban data with the 3rd dimension: A procedural modelling approach. In CAA2015. Keep The Revolution Going: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (pp. 815-824). Archaeopress.


    • Piccoli, C. B. M., Aparajeya, P., Papadopoulos, G. T., Bintliff, J., Fol Leymarie, F., Bes, P., van der Enden, M., Poblome, J., & Daras, P. (2015). Towards the automatic classification of pottery sherds: Two complementary approaches. In A. Traviglia (Ed.), Across Space and Time. Computer Applications and Quantative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA), 25th-28th March 2013, Perth, Western Australia (pp. 463-474). Amsterdam University Press.



    • Piccoli, C. (2013). Publishing in the Republic of Letters:Behind the Scenes of Pieter van der Aa's Thesaurus antiquitatum et historiarum Italiae (Leiden, 1704-25)*. Quaerendo, 43(1), 61-82.



    • Flohr, P., van Horik, R., Papadopoulos, C., de Kleijn, M., Turner, D., Gilissen, V., Piccoli, C. B. M., & Fernie, K. (2024). Shaping the World of 3D: Towards a roadmap for increased reusability of 3D cultural heritage datasets.








    • Huurdeman, H. C., Piccoli, C. B. M., & van Wissen, L. (2021). Linked Data in a 3D Context: Experiential Interfaces for Exploring the Interconnections of 17th-Century Historical Data. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2021 - “The Humanities in a Digital World,” Leiden, the Netherlands., Leiden, Netherlands.



    • Li, W., Piccoli, C. B. M., & van den Heuvel, C. M. J. M. (2019). Embracing Complex Interfaces Linking Deep Maps and Virtual Interiors to Big Data of the Dutch Golden Age.. Abstract from Digital Humanities conference 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands.

    Talk / presentation

    • Piccoli, C. (invited speaker) (15-12-2022). Virtual Interiors: Archival research and 3D modelling to explore a 17th century house in Amsterdam, Tavola Ovale, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Bruno Kessler
      Foundation (ISIG-FBK), Trento.
    • Piccoli, C. (keynote speaker) (8-7-2021). Visualizing and experiencing past cities in 3D: Methods, opportunities and challenges, Summer School 3D Imaging and Modelling for Classics and Cultural Heritage, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study University of London.
    • Piccoli, C. (invited speaker) (11-6-2021). “Ons nieuwe huys op de Heeregracht” (“La nostra nuova casa sull’Herengracht”): Documentazione d’archivio e modellazione 3D per esplorare la casa dell’olandese Pieter de Graeff (1638-1707), Quarto Seminario Interdisciplinare: Economia e tecniche della costruzione, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche e beni Culturali, University of Siena.
    • Piccoli, C. (invited speaker) (16-4-2021). Visualizing Information: On the Digital Model as a Heuristic Tool, Seminar Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Humanities and the Sciences organized by Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte .
    • Piccoli, C. (invited speaker) (18-3-2021). Visualizing 17th century Amsterdam interiors, Sunoikisis Digital Classics’ session on 3D modelling.
    • Piccoli, C. (speaker) (24-10-2019). 3D ‘reconstructions’: more than pretty pictures?, Sunoikisis Digital Classics.


    • Stellacci, S. (organiser) & Piccoli, C. (organiser) (5-7-2022). Unforeseen paths: Transcending boundaries and Sharing critical approaches to Architectural Heritage (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Piccoli, C. (3-1-2023). 3D reconstruction hypothesis of the 17th century entrance hall ('voorhuis') of Herengracht 573, Amsterdam. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Piccoli, C., Brouwer, J. & Reuvekamp, B. (3-1-2023). Transcription of fols. 425-477 from the probate inventory of the house of Pieter de Graeff (1638-1707), Lord of Zuid-Polsbroek, Purmerland and Ilpendam, and VOC director in the Amsterdam chamber, at Herengracht 573. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Piccoli, C. (23-11-2022). Schematic 3D reconstruction hypothesis of the house of the painter Gillis van Coninxloo at the Oude Turfmarkt and adjacent houses. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Li, W., Piccoli, C. & van den Heuvel, C. (1-1-2019). Embracing Complex Interfaces Linking Deep Maps and Virtual Interiors to Big Data of the Dutch Golden Age.. DataverseNL.


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