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Drs. J.H.C.M. (Anne-Rieke) van Schaik

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Humanities
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen
Photographer: Stephanie de Graaf

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
Postal address
  • Postbus 94551
    1090 GN Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile


    Anne-Rieke van Schaik (1995) completed her studies in Art History (BA), History (RMA) and Book Studies (MA, cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam. Since October 2022, she works as a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam on the project Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (c. 1550-1750). She is a member of the research group Explokart at the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture, affiliated to the Allard Pierson and the UvA.

    PhD project - Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1550-1750)

    In the early modern Low Countries, events (e.g. warfare, disasters, voyages) were narrated by ‘story maps’, which combine narrative and spatial data to communicate a story to a wide audience. How and why did story maps, produced in the early modern Netherlands, communicate, disseminate, and shape narratives concerning events (taking place ca. 1550-1750)? This project investigates the claim that these publications actively shaped public views, reached new audiences, and created a specific understanding of space, the past and the present. A new narrative-cartographical methodology will be developed to analyze and interpret these ‘map narratives’ and to deeper understand the dynamic interplays between cartography, storytelling, public opinion, and media in the early modern period.

    Supervisors: prof. dr. Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, dr. Elmer Kolfin
    Affiliated with the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM), Explokart research group and Allard Pierson, Amsterdam
    Duration of appointment: 2022-2027


  • Publications


    • van Schaik, A.-R. (2023). A Delta of Time: Claes Jansz Visscher’s Updated News Maps of Spanish-Dutch Battles in the Scheldt River Area, 1627-1640. Early Modern Low Countries, 7(2), 154-189. [details]
    • van Schaik, J.-R., & Vannieuwenhuyze, B. (2023). On the Thresholds of an Old Map: A Paracartographic Approach to Joost Jansz Bilhamer’s Caerte van Noorthollant. The Rijksmuseum Bulletin, 71(3), 212-235. Article 1. [details]



    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2024). A cartographical plot twist: Floris Balthasar’s map of the siege of Sluis and its missing legend reunited. Web publication or website
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2024). The Phoebus Foundation. Caert-thresoor, 43(1), 30-31.
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2024). Verhalende cartografie in de vroegmoderne Lage Landen. De Zeventiende Eeuw , 143-150.



    • van Schaik, A-R. (2020). Trauma of triomf? De oorlogsdaden van Maurits van Oranje gememoreerd in het boek Den Nassauschen Laurencrans (1610). Simulacrum, 28(4), 16-22.
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2020). Netwerk en zelfpresentatie in de Duitse stadsgezichten van Sebastian Münster’s Cosmographia: Review van: Putten, Jasper Cornelis van. Networked Nation: Mapping German Cities in Sebastian Münster’s Cosmographia. Leiden: Brill, 2017. . Skript: historisch tijdschrift, 42(1), 75-77.


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2019). Politiek, schandaal en reputatie in de late Gouden Eeuw: het turbulente leven van Romeyn de Hooghe: Nierop, Henk van. The Life of Romeyn de Hooghe 1645-1708: Prints, Pamphlets and Politics in the Dutch Golden Age. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018. . Skript: historisch tijdschrift, 41(1), 88-90.


    • van Schaik, A.-R. (2018). Alle hoeken van de kamer: Kunsthistorische perspectieven op het huiselijk tafereel in de Gouden Eeuw. Simulacrum, 26(4), 27-33. [details]


    • van Schaik, A.-R., & Griffioen, M. (2024). Hoe lees je een oude kaart? Een steekproef uit de KNAG-collectie in het Allard Pierson. Geografie, 24(1), 6-11.


    • Vannieuwenhuyze, B., Griffioen, M., & van Schaik, A.-R. (2023). Oude kaarten lezen: Handboek voor historische cartografie. (Kaarthistorie; Vol. 1). WBooks. [details]


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2024). Analyzing early modern story maps: An interdisciplinary approach. Paper presented at The International Conference on the History of Cartography, Lyon, France.
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2024). Making History: Floris Balthasar Puts Dutch Victories on the Map (c.1600-1610). Paper presented at Journée d’étude: La carte « œil de l’histoire » (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), Paris, France.


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2023). Flying Maps: Maps in Dutch Pamphlet Collections (c. 1550-1650). Paper presented at ISHMap VII Symposium, Berlin, Germany.
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2023). Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1550-1750). Paper presented at HNA Dissertation Forum.
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M., Griffioen, M. T., & Vannieuwenhuyze, B. J. (2023). Putting the Fagel Resolution Maps back into Context. Paper presented at Unlocking the Fagel Collection, Dublin, Ireland.


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2022). Mapping Every Now and Then: Narrative Maps Representing Topicality in the Dutch Early Modern Period. Paper presented at Conference: Historians of Netherlandish Art, Amsterdam and The Hague.
    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2022). Reframing the Revolt: Pro-Dutch vs. pro-Spanish Story Maps (1609-1610) Reflecting on the Eighty Years’ War during Truce. Paper presented at International Conference on the History of Cartography, Bucharest, Romania.


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2021). Women and Children First: Gender, Flood and Victimhood in Dutch Eighteenth-Century Story Maps. Paper presented at The Oxford Seminars in Cartography (TOSCA), Oxford, United Kingdom.


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M. (2020). De kaart en ‘het gheschiet’: Een narratief-cartografisch onderzoek naar de nieuwskaart als herinneringskaart. Paper presented at Boekhistorisch Forum IV.


    • van Schaik, J. H. C. M., Nijboer, H., & Bok, M. J. (2017). ECARTICO: A comparative analysis of the market for paintings in 16th and 17th century Antwerp and Amsterdam. Poster session presented at Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017.

    Prize / grant

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • van Schaik, A.-R. (editor) (2018-2020). Simulacrum (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (27-8-2024). Summer School: Verhalende cartografie in de vroegmoderne Lage Landen.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (1-7-2024). Analyzing early modern story maps: An interdisciplinary approach, The International Conference on the History of Cartography, Lyon.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (30-5-2024). Mercatorlezing: Kaarten die grenzen verleggen, Mercatormuseum.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (1-12-2023). Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1550-1750), HNA Dissertation Forum.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (14-7-2023). Flying Maps. Maps in Dutch Pamphlet Collections (c. 1550-1650), ISHMap VII Symposium, Berlin.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker), Griffioen, M. (speaker) & Vannieuwenhuyze, B. (speaker) (22-6-2023). Putting the Fagel Resolution Maps back into Context, Unlocking the Fagel Collection, Dublin.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) & Keulen, M. (speaker) (16-6-2023). Workshop. (Un)Mapping the Enslaved: Narratives of Slavery on Dutch Colonial Maps of the Atlantic World, Ubbo Emmius Historical Conference, Groningen.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) & Griffioen, M. (speaker) (12-5-2023). Schouw: Leer oude kaarten lezen, Allard Pierson Museum.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (26-1-2023). Old News? Time, Memory and Conflict in Story Maps of the Dutch Revolt (c.1630–1640), The Warburg Institute, London.
    • Vannieuwenhuyze, B. (speaker) & van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (31-10-2022). Oude kaarten lezen, Allard Pierson Museum.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (5-7-2022). Reframing the Revolt: Pro-Dutch vs. pro-Spanish Story Maps (1609-1610) Reflecting on the Eighty Years’ War during Truce, International Conference on the History of Cartography, Bucharest.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (3-6-2022). Mapping Every Now and Then: Narrative Maps Representing Topicality in the Dutch Early Modern Period, Conference: Historians of Netherlandish Art, Amsterdam and The Hague.
    • Griffioen, M. (speaker), Vannieuwenhuyze, B. (speaker) & van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (13-5-2022). Making a Handbook of Historical Cartography, ISHMap Symposium, Montevideo.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (25-3-2021). Women and Children First: Gender, Flood and Victimhood in Dutch Eighteenth-Century Story Maps, The Oxford Seminars in Cartography (TOSCA), Oxford.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker) (12-11-2020). De kaart en ‘het gheschiet’: Een narratief-cartografisch onderzoek naar de nieuwskaart als herinneringskaart, Boekhistorisch Forum IV.
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (speaker), Nijboer, H. (speaker) & Bok, M. (speaker) (3-7-2017). ECARTICO: A comparative analysis of the market for paintings in 16th and 17th century Antwerp and Amsterdam, Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017.


    • van Schaik, A.-R. (organiser), Griffioen, M. (organiser), Dym, J. (chair) & Parker, K. (chair) (9-12-2024). Arguing with maps, Amsterdam. This workshop is led by Katie Parker and Jordana Dym (Co-Editors of Imago Mundi). The workshop is jointly offered by the Huizinga Institute and OSK – (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (visiting researcher) (1-2-2024 - 30-4-2024). Leiden University Libraries Special Collections (visiting an external institution).
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (visiting researcher) (1-2-2024 - 30-4-2024). Leiden University Libraries Special Collections (visiting an external institution).
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (participant) (10-7-2023 - 11-7-2023). ISHMap II Workshop, Berlin (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (participant) (10-5-2022 - 11-5-2022). ISHMap Workshop, Montevideo (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Schaik, A.-R. (participant) (8-6-2020 - 17-7-2020). Universal Short Title Catalogue Summer Programme (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
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