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Dr. C.A. (Claire) Stocks

Senior Lecturer in Literary Culture and Heritage
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Griekse en Latijnse talen en culturen

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 1
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Background

    BA Classics (Durham), MA Classics (Durham), PhD Classics (Cambridge)


    My research centres on two main areas: Roman literature, culture and memory studies and digital humanities (especially games) with a particular focus on how audiences conceptualize the past. My first book was on the characterisation of Hannibal in Silius Italicus' epic, Punica (as well as in historiography, Liverpool, 2014) and I am now working on the relationship between the emperor Domitian and the representation of myth and the gods in Flavian literature and material culture. I co-run the Flavian Literature and Culture Network and we are in the process of establishing a Flavian centre in Amsterdam. I also work on digital games for the heritage sector. I was the PI for an ACE-funded project in collaboration with the Roman site of Vindolanda and the Game Lab, Newcastle University, designing a mystery game ('The Missing Dead') for Key Stage 2 students, set on the site and playable on smart phones and tablets, that uses hand-drawn 2D animation (; available on IOS and Android). Additionally, in collaboration with the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities and Entertainment Games Ltd. I designed an educational game based on the assassination of Domitian ('Domitian' available on Android and IOS). Most recently I have worked with the Vindolanda Trust and Creative Assembly (makers of the Total War video game series) to produce the web-based game and online exhibition 'Vindolanda Adventure' ( I was also the co-curator for an exhibition on the Emperor Domitian ('God on Earth: Emperor Domitian') in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, December 2021 - May 2022 (which later moved to Rome, Capitoline Museums, July 2022 - January 2023). I began working at the UvA in September 2023 and I am a member of the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory, and Material Culture. I am also a director of the Roman Society (

  • Publications

    Five Most Important Publications 

    2021                de Haan, N., Moormann, E., Raimondi Cominesi, A., and Stocks, C. The Emperor Domitian: God on Earth. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Pp.300+         

    2019                Augoustakis, A., Buckley, E., and Stocks, C. (eds) Fides in Flavian Literature. Phoenix Supplementary, Toronto. Pp. 344.

    2019                Augoustakis, A., Buckley, E., and Stocks, C. (eds) Undamning Domitian? Reassessing the last Flavian princeps, Illinois Classical Studies 44.2. Pp. 220.

    2016                Bather, P and Stocks, C. (eds) Horace’s Epodes: Context, Intertexts, and Reception, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xiv, 279.

    2014                Stocks, C. The Roman Hannibal: Remembering the Enemy in Silius Italicus’ Punica. Liverpool: Liverpool Press. Pp. xii, 276.

    All Publications

    2022                Birley, B. and Stocks, C. ‘Video Games bij Hadrian’s Wall: Romeins Vindolanda en ‘The Missing Dead’. Hermeneus 94: 68-73.

    2022                Stocks, C. ‘Romuleos superabit voce nepotes: Remembering Romulus in Silius Italicus’, in A. Augoustakis and M. Fucecchi (eds) Silius Italicus and the Tradition of the Roman Historical Epos. Pp. 249-65.

    2022                Birley, B., Davison, R., and Stocks, C.  ‘(Re)living Vindolanda: Designing Educational Computer Games for Outdoor Environments’, in S. Bertoldi and S. Marioti (eds) The Past as a Digital Playground: Archaeology, Virtual Reality, and Video Games. Archeopress. Pp. 8-24.

    2022                Birley, B. and Stocks, C. ‘Gaming and Hadrian’s Wall: a future of digital possibilities’, in M. Alberti and K. Mountain (eds) Hadrian’s Wall: Exploring its Past to Protect its Future. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 90. Pp. 92-99.

    2022                Moormann, E. and Stocks, C. ‘Identifying demi-gods: Hercules and Domitian’, in R. Marks and M. Marcello (eds) Domitian’s Rome. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Pp.22.        

    2021                Stocks, C. ‘The image of the emperor in contemporary epic poetry’, in Raimondi Cominesi, A., de Haan, N., Moormann, E., and Stocks, C. (eds) The Emperor

    Domitian: God on Earth. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Pp. 91-95

    2021                Raimondi-Cominesi, A. and Stocks, C. ‘Living like the Emperor: A portrayal of

    Domitian in his villas and on the Palatine’, in Raimondi Cominesi, A., de Haan, N., Moormann, E., and Stocks, C. (eds) The Emperor Domitian: God on Earth. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Pp. 105-110.

    2021                de Haan, N. and Stocks, C. ‘De tentoonstelling God op aarde: Keizer Domitianus’, in Lampas 54.3: 395-402.

    2019                Stocks, C. ‘Simply the Best: Epic aristeiai’, in C. Reitz and S. Finkmann (eds) Structures of Epic Poetry. De Gruyter. Pp. 3-39.

    2019                Stocks, C. ‘Stories from the Frontier: Bridging Past and Present at Hadrian’s Wall’, in M. Dinter and B. Reitz (eds) Intermediality and Roman Literature. Trends in Classics, Journal of Classical Studies 11: 139-60.

    2018                Stocks, C. ‘Anger in the Extreme? Ira, Excess, and the Punica’, Phoenix 72: 293-311.

    2018                Stocks, C. ‘In a Land of Gods and Monsters: Silius Italicus’ Capua’, in A. Augoustakis and J. Littlewood (eds) Flavian Literature and Campania. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 233-47.

    2018                Stocks, C. ‘Band of Brothers: Fraternal Instability and Civil Strife in Silius Italicus’ Punica’, in L. Ginsberg and D. Krasne (eds) After 69 CE – Writing Civil War in Flavian Literature. Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes 65: 253-70.

    2018                Stocks, C., Birley, B., and Collins, R. (2018) ‘Stories from the Frontier: recreating the past through digital gameplay’, in Thersites 8: 97-109.

    2018                Lardinois, A. and Stocks, C. (2018) (section editors for ‘Part 1: Antiquity’) in S. Levie, and M. De Pourcq (volume eds); European Literary History: an Introduction. Routledge: London. Pp. 382; Part 1 ‘Antiquity’, pp. 14-83.

    2018                Lardinois, A. and Stocks, C. (eds) (2018) ‘Antiquity: 1.1 Introduction’, in S. Levie and M. De Pourcq (eds) European Literary History: an Introduction. Routledge. London. Pp.15-25.

    2016                Stocks, C. ‘Monsters in the Night: Horace, Prodigia, and the Parallel Worlds of Epode 16 and Odes 4.4’, in P. Bather and C. Stocks (eds), 2016. Pp. 153-74.

    2016                Stocks, C. (2016) ‘Daddy’s Little Girl? The Father/Daughter Bond in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica and Flavian Rome’, in N. Manioti (ed) Family in Flavian Epic. Leiden: Brill. Pp. 41-60.

    2015                Stocks, C. (2015) ‘Dying in Purple: Life, Death, and Tyrian Dye in the Aeneid’, PVS 28: 173-196.

    2012               Stocks, C. (2012) ‘To whom does the quem refer? A note on Aeneid 9.438-45’, in Mnemosyne 65: 135-140.


  • Publications


    • Slootjes, D. (organiser), Stocks, C. (organiser) & Mickleburgh, H. (organiser) (21-11-2024). Games at the Edge of Empire: a Digital Games Workshop, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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