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Prof. dr. V.V. (Vladimir) Stissi

Classical Archaeology and History of Ancient Art
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Archeologie
Photographer: Eduard Lampe

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Stissi, V. (2023). Diagnosing the undiagnostic: Using sherd databases as a source of interpretation. In A. Meens, M. Nazou, & W. van de Put (Eds.), Fields, Sherds and Scholars: Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics (pp. 109-125). (Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens; Vol. 9). Sidestone Press. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V., Rondiri, V., Lolos, GJ., Efstathiou, D., Varela, C., Agnousiotis, D., Haagsma, M., Meens, A., & Heijmans, E. D. (2023). Η ελληνιστική κεραμική από την ανασκαφή στη Μαγούλα Πλατανιώτικη. In E. Kotsiou (Ed.), 10th International Scientific Meeting on Hellenistic Pottery, Thessaloniki 10-14 March 2020. Proceedings (pp. 439-454).


    • Stissi, V. V. (2021). A Tale of Five Cities: Comparing Survey Finds from Boeotian Poleis from the Early Iron Age to the Roman Takeover. In T. de Haas, D. Peeters, & L. Pinchetti (Eds.), City-Hinterland Relations on the Move? The Impact of Socio-Political Change on Local Economies from the Perspective of Survey Archaeology.: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018 (pp. 11-13). (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World; Vol. 49). Propylaeum.


    • Stissi, V. (2020). From Counting Pots to Counting People: Assessing the Scale of Athenian Pottery Production and Its Impact on Working Staff. In E. Hasaki, & M. Bentz (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology Vol. 8: Reconstructing Scales of Production in the Ancient Greek World: Producers Processes, Products, People (pp. 97-108). Propylaeum. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2020). [Review of: J.M. Wickens, S.I. Rotroff, T. Cullen, L.E. Talalay, C. Perlès, F. W. McCoy (2018) Settlement and Land Use on the Periphery: The Bouros-Kastri Peninsula, Southern Euboia]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2020(3), Article 44. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V., Agnousiotis, D., Dijkstra, T., Efstathiou, D., Heymans, E., Mamaloudi, I., Reinders, R., Rondiri, V., & Stamelou, E. (2020). The 2013-2014 test trenches at Halos. In ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΕΡΕΑΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ 5 : (Βόλος, 26.02-01.03. 2015) (Vol. 1, pp. 301-310).
    • Stissi, V., Heymans, E., Waagen, J., Rondiri, V., Agnousiotis, D., Dijkstra, T., & Efstathiou, D. (2020). Halos: Preliminary Report of the 2015 Field Survey and the 2016 Trial Trenches at Magoula Plataniotiki. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 24, 113-136. [details]



    • Stissi, V. (2018). What is drawn and written is not necessarily true. Contextualising Mellaart's fakes. Talanta, 50, 87-123. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2017). The pottery of the Early Iron Age to the Hellenistic periods. In J. Bintliff, E. Farinetti, B. Slapšak, & A. Snodgrass (Eds.), Boeotia project. - Volume 2: The city of Thespiai: Survey at a complex urban site (pp. 287-316). (McDonald Institute monographs). McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2017). [Review of: M. Spataro, A. Villing (2015) Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: The Archaeology and Science of Kitchen Pottery in the Ancient Mediterranean World]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2017(7), Article 19. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2017). Believing the unbelievable? A Greek perspective on the Tarquinian world. In P. S. Lulof, & C. J. Smith (Eds.), The Age of Tarquinius Superbus: Central Italy in the late 6th century BC : Proceedings of the Conference The age of Tarquinius Superbus, a paradigm shift? : Rome, 7-9 November 2013 (pp. 79-84). (Babesch: Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology; Vol. 29, Supplement). Peeters. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2016). Minor Artisans, Major Impact? In N. Eschbach, & S. Schmidt (Eds.), Töpfer Maler Werkstatt: Zuschreibungen in der griechischen Vasenmalerei und die Organisation antiker Keramikproduktion (pp. 47-53). (Beihefte zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum; Vol. 7). C.H. Beck. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2016). Survey, Excavation and the Appearance of the Early Polis: A Reappraisal. In J. Bintliff, & K. Rutter (Eds.), The Archaeology of Greece and Rome: Studies in Honour of Anthony Snodgrass (pp. 31-53). Edinburgh University Press. [details]


    • Stissi, V., Heymans, E., Dijkstra, T., Reinders, R., Agnousiotis, D., Efstathiou, D., Kamphorst, S., Mamaloudi, I., Rondiri, V., Van Rookhuijzen, J., & Stamelou, E. (2015). Halos: Preliminary report of the 2013-2014 trial trenches at Magoula Plataniotiki. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 21(2), 85-116. [details]
    • Stissi, V., Waagen, J., Efstathiou, D., Reinders, R., Rondiri, V., Mamaloudi, I., & Stamelou, E. (2015). Halos: Preliminary report of the 2011-2013 field survey campaigns. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 21(2), 63-84. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2014). Standardization and Greek pottery, a broad view from far above. In A. Kotsonas (Ed.), Understanding Standardization and Variation in Mediterranean Ceramics: Mid 2nd to Late 1st Millennium BC (pp. 115-132). (Babesch. Supplement; Vol. 25). Peeters. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2011). Finding the Early Iron Age in field survey: two case studies from Boeotia and Magnesia. In S. Verdan, T. Theurillat, & A. Kenzelmann Pfyffer (Eds.), Early iron age pottery: a quantitative approach: proceedings of the International round table organized by the Swiss school of archaeology in Greece (Athens, November 28-30, 2008) (pp. 149-162). (BAR international series; Vol. 2254). Archaeopress. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2009). Does function follow form? Archaic Greek pottery in its find contexts: uses and meanings. In V. Nørskov, L. Hannestad, C. Isler-Kerényi, & S. Lewis (Eds.), The world of Greek vases (pp. 23-43). (Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum; No. 41). Quasar. [details]


    • Brouwer, P., Hemel, Z., Oxenaar, A., van Rossem, V., & Stissi, V. (Eds.) (2014). Liber amicorum Manfred Bock. (Jaarboek Cuypersgenootschap; No. 25-29). Cuypersgenootschap. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2014). Cultuurbarbaren in de klassieke wereld? Nederlandse architecten op bezoek bij de architectuur van de oudheid. In P. Brouwer, Z. Hemel, A. Oxenaar, V. van Rossum, & V. Stissi (Eds.), Liber amicorum Manfred Bock (pp. 82-89). (Jaarboek Cuypersgenootschap; No. 25-29). Cuypersgenootschap. [details]



    • Stissi, V. (2012). Giving the kerameikos a context: Ancient Greek potters’ quarters as part of the polis space, economy and society. In A. Esposito, & G. M. Sanidas (Eds.), "Quartiers" artisanaux en Grèce ancienne: une perspective méditerranéenne (pp. 201-230). Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2012). The countryside of Classical-Hellenistic Halos (and Tanagra): a comparative approach. In A. Mazarakēs Ainian (Ed.), Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στερεάς Ελλάδας 3: πρακτικά επιστημονικής συνάντησης Βόλος 12.3-15.3.2009. - Τόμος Ι: Θεσσαλία (pp. 393-404). Εργαστήριο Αρχαιολογίας Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας. [details]


    • van Wijngaarden, G. J., Sotiriou, A., Stissi, V., Bonnier, A., & Erisman, L. (2010). The Zakynthos Archaeology Project: Preliminary Report on the 2009 season. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 17(2), 65-82. [details]


    • Moormann, E. M., & Stissi, V. V. (2009). Shapes and images: studies on Attic black figure and related topics: in honour of Herman A.G. Brijder. (Babesch. Supplement; No. 14). Leuven: Peeters. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2009). Why did they end up there? The role of iconography in the distribution, purchase and use of Siana cups. In E. M. Moormann, & V. V. Stissi (Eds.), Shapes and images: studies on Attic black figure and related topics: in honour of Herman A.G. Brijder (pp. 21-35). (Babesch. Supplement; No. 14). Peeters. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2007). Amsterdam, het mekka van de volkshuisvesting. Sociale woningbouw 1909-1942. Rotterdam: Uitgeverij 010. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). 'Cherchez la Femme! Op zoek naar archeologische sporen van vrouwen in archaische en klassieke Griekse heiligdommen.'. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 17(34), 27-31. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Archaic Period. In H. R. Reinders (Ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almiros and Sourpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (pp. 116-124). (Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens; No. 5). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Late Bronze Age. In H. R. Reinders (Ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almiros and Sourpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (pp. 91-93). (Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens; No. 5). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V., Kwak, L., & de Winter, J. (2004). Appendix 2. Catalogue of Late Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Archaic Pottery. In H. R. Reinders (Ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almiros and Sourpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (pp. 143-158). (Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens; No. 5). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V., Reinders, H. R., Kwak, L., de Winter, J., & Malakasioti, Z. (2004). Early Iron Age. In H. R. Reinders (Ed.), Prehistoric sites at the Almiros and Sourpi Plains (Thessaly, Greece) (pp. 94-115). (Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens; No. 5). Assen: Koninklijke Van Gorcum. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2003). From catalogue to cultural context: bringing life to Greek sanctuary pottery. In B. Schmaltz, & M. Söldner (Eds.), Griechische Keramik im kulturellen Kontext. Akten des Internationalen Vasen-Symposions in Kiel vom 24.-28.09.2001, veranstaltet durch das Archäologische Institut der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (pp. 77-79). Münster. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2002). The classical ceramics: first impressions. Pharos: journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, 9, 33-74. [details]


    • Crielaard, J. P., Stissi, V., & van Wijngaarden, G. J. (1999). The complex past of pottery: production, circulation and consumption of Mycenaean and Greek pottery (sixteenth to early fifth centuries BC). Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (1994). La Nostra Semenza. In R. de Jong (Ed.), Virtute e Canoscenza. Ter gelegenheid van Wim van Lakwijks afscheid van het Barlaeus Gymnasium (pp. 114-127). Amsterdam: Barlaeus Gymnasium. [details]



    • Ronnes, H. (Author), van Elburg, W. M. (Author), & Stissi, V. V. (Author). (2019). Web publication/site


    • Stissi, V. (2018). Anthropos. APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen, 118/119, 7-8. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V., Heymans, E., & Dijkstra, T. (2018). Καταστροφή και επιβίωση: Αρχαιολογία και Ιστορία στη Μαγούλα Πλατανιώτικη. In Αχαιοφθιωτικά: Πρακτικά του Ε’ Συνεδρίου Αλμυριωτικών Σπουδών, Οκτώβριος 2016 (Vol. E, pp. 139-152).




    • Stissi, V. (2012). Tussen Berlage en Kabouter Plop: het nieuwe Mercatorplein, 20 jaar later. Simulacrum, 20(3/4), 57-61. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2012). [Review of: A. Alexandridou (2011) The early black-figured pottery of Attika in context (c. 630-570 BCE)]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2012(03), 14. [details]



    • Leemhuis-Stout, J. M., Bak, R. P. M., Goedkoop, H., Sijmons, D. F., Stissi, V. V., Benard, A. M. P., de Rie, C., Gerritse, R., & de Jong, A. (2010). Uitzonderlijk en universeel: Voorlopige lijst Unesco werelderfgoed Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 2010. Commissie Herziening Voorlopige Lijst Werelderfgoed. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2010). De stad als heel grote broer: het nieuwe Amsterdam van Hulshoffs Afdeling Gebouwen (1915-1940). Amstelodamum, 97(2), 89-96. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2010). New Perspectives on Ancient Pottery: een onderzoeksproject van het Amsterdams Archeologisch Centrum (UvA). TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 22(43), 14-19. [details]
    • Vermeer, G., Rebel, B., & Stissi, V. (2010). Historische gids van Amsterdam. - [6e dr.] - Dl. 3: De stadsuitbreidingen 1860-1935. Amsterdam: Bas Lubberhuizen. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2009). Beeldjes, geleerden en verzamelaars: een stukje van de erfenis van de familie Lunsingh Scheurleer. Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum, 98-99, 18-20. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2009). Het Allard Pierson Museum als Nederlandsche Bank: een geschiedenis vol raadsels. APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen, 100, 11-13. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2009). Museum en universiteit: het Allard Pierson Museum als academische collectie voor een groot publiek. APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen, 100, 44-45. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2009). Wie het kleine niet eert…: een groep miniatuuraardewerk uit Taranto onder het vergrootglas. APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen, 100, 19-21. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2008). From propaganda to fashion: historical Amsterdam housing now. Simulacrum, 16(3/4), 16-19. [details]
    • Stissi, V. (2008). Politieke verantwoordelijkheid. In M. van Haaren, & M. Oostenbrink (Eds.), Het beste verbeterboek: architectuurherstel als cultureel ambacht (pp. 37). Thoth. [details]


    • Stissi, V. (2007). Scherven als conserven: de collectie Schuursma nader bekeken. Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum, 94, 6-8. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2007). Het Parthenon. Lampas, 40, 281-288, 292. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2006). 'Tanagra in Amsterdam: waar blijven de Sianaschalen? Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum, 91-92, 14-16. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2006). 'Visies op Griekenland door de eeuwen heen'. In Hellas. Visies op Griekenland in de 19de eeuw (pp. 9-26). Amsterdam: Allard Pierson Museum. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). 'Een recept voor architectuur-allergie' [Review of: R. Schoonbeek, e.a. (2005) De Tuinstad is dood, Leve de Tuinstad! Herstructurering als culturele ontwerpopgave]. ArchiNed, 10.05.2005. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). 'Stevige binnenvetters' [Review of: B. Colenbrander (2005) Frans van Gool - Leven en werk]. ArchiNed, 22.06.2005. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). 'Zinnen, alinea's, hoofdstukken, illustraties en een kaft, maar geen boek' [Review of: D. van Hoogstraten (2005) Dirk Roosenburg, architect 1887-1962]. ArchiNed, 27-4-2005. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). [Review of: E. de Miro (2000) Agrigento I. I santuari urbani. L'area sacra tra il tempio di Zeus e Porta V (Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 28)]. Mnemosyne, IV.58, 467-469. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). [Review of: E. de Miro (2000) Agrigento I. I santuari urbani. L'area sacra tra il tempio di Zeus e Porta V (Bibliotheca Archaeologica, 28)]. Mnemosyne, IV.58, 467-469. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2005). [Review of: J. Johannowski. Il santuario sull'acropoli di Gortina. Volume II. (Monografie della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente XVI)]. Babesch, 80, 218-219. [details]


    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Grote verbouwing, grote verplaatsing, grote vernieling of grote vernieuwing? 1. ArchiNed, 24-2-2004. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Grote verbouwing, grote verplaatsing, grote vernieling of grote vernieuwing? 2 [Review of: J. Tellinga (2004) De Grote Verbouwing. Verandering van naoorlogse woonwijken]. ArchiNed, 24-2-2004. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). IJburg voorbij! ArchiNed, 29-03-2004. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Natuur of puur? Simulacrum, 13(1), 17-18. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Ontwerpen volgens Cruz en Ortiz. ArchiNed, 9-8-2004. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). Turkey Today. ArchiNed, 20-10-2004. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). [Review of: Daphni Doepner (2002) Steine und Pfeiler fur die Gotter. Weihgeschenkgattungen in westgriechischen Stadtheiligtumern]. Babesch, 79, 213-214. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2004). [Review of: H. van Bergeijk (2003) De Steen van Berlage. Theorie en praktijk van de architectuur rond 1895]. ArchiNed, 2-3-2004. [details]
    • van Haaren, M., Hartman, H., Mattie, E., Roosebeek, M., Stissi, V. V., & van der Werf, J. (2004). Atlas van de 19de eeuwse Ring Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Balie.


    • Stissi, V. V. (2003). [Review of: Maria Ch. Monaco (2000) Ergasteria: impianti artiginali ceramici ad Atene e in Attica dal protogeometrico alle soglie dell'Ellenismo]. Babesch, 78, 227-228. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V. (2003). [Review of: S.L. Solovyov (1999) Ancient Berezan: the architecture, history and culture of the first Greek colony in the Northern Black Sea]. Talanta, 34-35, 197-200. [details]


    • Bock, M., Johanisse, S., & Stissi, V. V. (1997). Michel de Klerk. Bouwmeester en tekenaar van de Amsterdamse School, 1884-1923. Rotterdam: NAi Uitgevers. [details]
    • Stissi, V. V., Crielaard, J. P., & van Wijngaarden, G. J. M. (1997). Explaining Archaeological Distribution. Production and consumption of Mycenaean and Greek pottery. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 10(19), 52-53. [details]


    • Dijkstra, T., Reinders, H. R., Stissi, V. V., Heymans, E. D., Rondiri, V., Efstathiou, D., Mamaloudi, I., Stamelou, E., van de Heul, J., Kamphorst, S., van Rookhuijzen, J., Blok, K., & Louwes, M. (2015). Halos: A City of Achaia Phthiotis. Poster session presented at 5th Archaeological meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece, 2012-2014. From Prehistory to the Contemporary Period.


    Membership / relevant position

    • Stissi, V. (2017). Raad voor Geesteswetenschappen, KNAW.
    • Stissi, V. (2017). Member advisory/editorial board Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam University Press (AUP).
    • Stissi, V. (2016). Raad voor Geesteswetenschappen, KNAW.

    Media appearance

    • Ronnes, H., van Elburg, W. & Stissi, V. (07-11-2019). Veel gesloop in hoofdstad [Print] De Telegraaf. Veel gesloop in hoofdstad.
    • Ronnes, H., van Elburg, W., Brouwer, P. & Stissi, V. (28-04-2018). 'Amsterdamse architectuur moet beter worden beschermd' [Print] Parool. 'Amsterdamse architectuur moet beter worden beschermd'.
    • Ronnes, H., Stissi, V., Brouwer, P. & van Elburg, W. (07-04-2018). Het Parool [Print] Het Parool. Hoed u voor de slopers en hun hamers.

    Journal editor

    • Stissi, V. (reviewer) (2017). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. (reviewer) (2017). Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. (reviewer) (2016). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. (reviewer) (2016). Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2016). APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2015-2016). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2015). APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2015). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2014). APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2014). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2013). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2013). APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2012). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2012). APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2010). Talanta (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor), van Beek, R. (editor), Jurriaans-Helle, G. (editor), van Haarlem, W. M. (editor) & Hupperetz, W. M. H. (editor) (2010). APm: Allard Pierson mededelingen (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2009). Mededelingenblad Vereniging van Vrienden van het Allard Pierson Museum (Journal).
    • Stissi, V. V. (editor) (2009). Talanta (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Stissi, V. (speaker) (31-1-2020). Deposition and abandonment, or is it abandonment and deposition?, Ceramics in Context, Copenhagen.
    • Haagsma, M. (speaker), Karapanou, S. (speaker), Radloff, L. (speaker), Garvie-Lok, S. (speaker) & Stissi, V. (speaker) (4-1-2020). Mapping ‘Marginality’: Results of the 2019 Central Achaia Phthiotis Survey, American Institute of Archaeology, Annual Meeting 2020, Washington.
    • Stissi, V. (speaker) (29-11-2019). Sometimes a date is not a date - or is it? Some issues in the interpretation and use of specialist find datings in survey., International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, autumn 2019 , Groningen.
    • Stissi, V. (speaker) (24-11-2018). The Palimpsest Survey: Integrating traditional surface data with data from various ‘new’ non-invasive prospection methods. Some case studies from Greece, International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, autumn 2018., Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. (speaker) (23-5-2016). Thespiai City: looking back on a 30 year process of processing. International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, spring 2016, Gent, International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, spring 2016, Gent, Gent.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (26-2-2016). The geography of iconography: an overview and some cases, Oikos, Taphos, Temenos. Iconography in Greek context, Athens.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (28-2-2015). Halos as a polycentric polis?, 5th Archaeological meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece, 2012-2014. From Prehistory to the Contemporary Period, Volos.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (23-1-2015). Halos, new directions of an old project, Dutch Archaeology in the Mediterranean and the Near East (DAMNE), Groningen.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (13-12-2014). Synthesis of Results, Integrated approaches to ceramic analysis and methodology from a trans-regional perspective. New Perspectives on Ancient Pottery Final Conference, University of Amsterdam 11-13/12, Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (12-12-2014). Introduction to the NPAP project, Integrated approaches to ceramic analysis and methodology from a trans-regional perspective. New Perspectives on Ancient Pottery Final Conference, University of Amsterdam 11-13/12, Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (11-12-2014). Introduction to the conference, Integrated approaches to ceramic analysis and methodology from a trans-regional perspective. New Perspectives on Ancient Pottery Final Conference, University of Amsterdam 11-13/12, Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (8-11-2014). Ceci n’est pas une cité: survey, excavation and the appearance of the early polis: a reappraisal, A Celebration of 80 Years for Anthony Snodgrass, Cambridge University, 7-9/11, Cambridge.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (30-10-2014). Minor Artisans, Major Impact?, Kolloquium Meister Schule Werkstatt. Zuschreibungen in der griechischen Vasenmalerei und die Organisation antiker Keramikproduktion. Internationale Tagung des Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Munich.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (23-5-2014). Archaeology and an odd polis. The case of Halos (Thessaly), general lecture series Netherlands Institute at Athens, Athens.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (3-5-2014). Survey as a way of mapping (and starting to understand) an odd polis. The case of Halos (Thessaly), International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, spring 2014, Vienna (Academy of Sciences and University).
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (2-2-2014). De architectonische identiteit van Plan Zuid. Amsterdamse School over Berlage, ARCAM-winterlezingen Honderd Jaar Plan Zuid, Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (19-12-2013). Kind en badwater? 25 jaar Klassieke Archeologie in Nederland, 25 Jaar Mediterrane Archeologie vanuit Nederland en België. TMA van Toen tot NU (1988-2013), Groningen.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (6-12-2013). Session opening: Methodological Issues: Survey and excavation, International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, autumn 2013, University of Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (7-11-2013). Believing the unbelievable? A Greek perspective on the Tarquinian world, The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. A paradigm shift? Royal Netherlands Institute and British School, Rome, 7/9-11-2013, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut, Rome.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (5-10-2013). Woningcommunisme? Schoonheid voor iedereen? Volksverheffing? De Amsterdamse School en de volkshuisvesting 1912-1940, Lezingenreeks Berlagejaar Museum Het Schip, Bezoekerscentrum De Dageraad Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (1-10-2013). Household pottery and local and regional identities: meaningful plainwares?, AAC Research Meeting, Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (3-5-2013). A View from Below: Some Thoughts on the Information from Excavated Greek Pottery Workshops Regarding the Organization and Technology of Athenian Pottery Production, New Approaches to Understanding Athenian Pottery Production, Getty Museum, Malibu.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (26-4-2013). Multi-period sites and long term continuity in a survey with low artefact densities. The case of Halos, International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, spring 2013, Groningen.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) & Waagen, J. (speaker) (30-11-2012). Fighting aging… of data. The example of (Greek) pottery databases, New Developments in Archaeological Data Management. Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Netherlands – Germany Joint Chapter Meeting 2012, Groningen 30-11/1-12/2012, Groningen.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker), Reinders, H. R. (invited speaker), Malakasioti, Z. (invited speaker) & Rondiri, V. (invited speaker) (16-3-2012). The Almyros and Sourpi Plains: a diachronic perspective (or the Halos Archaeological Survey Project revisited), 4th Archaeological meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece, 2009-2011. From Prehistory to the Contemporary Period, Volos 15-18/3/2012, Volos (Greece).
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (7-1-2012). Between Kerameikoi, Sanctuaries, and Cemeteries: Archaic Greek Fine Wares and the Economies of Crafts, 113th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (3-12-2011). The Halos Archaeological Survey Project revisited. Comparing old and new methods and results, International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, autumn 2011, Leiden.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (24-10-2011). Giving the kerameikos a context. Ancient Greek potters’ quarters as part of the polis space, economy and society, seminar Everyday work in the Classical World, Oxford.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (20-9-2011). The survey pottery from the city of Thespiae: a preliminary overview, Work meeting Boeotia Ancient Cities Project, Cambridge.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (7-4-2011). Het sprookje werelderfgoed, De Stad als Museum, thema-avond De Amsterdamse Binnenstad als Werelderfgoed, Spui 25, Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (19-10-2010). Archaeology in action between sherds, databases, fields and GIS: making the most of shattered pots in desolate fields, Supporting the Digital Humanities. International Conference, Vienna (Austria).
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (19-10-2010). Archaeology in action between sherds, databases, fields and GIS: making the most of shattered pots in desolate fields, Supporting the Digital Humanities. International Conference, Vienna (Austria).
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (10-9-2010). A look at the countryside of Tanagra: survey results regarding the 9th-2nd centuries BC, 6th International Conference of Boeotian Studies, Livadia (Greece).
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (3-9-2010). Between ceramic standardization and variability, and human choices, 16th Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, The Hague.
    • Stissi, V. V. (invited speaker) (17-5-2010). Early explorations of the Early Iron Age in Thessaly, Conference on 100 years of archaeology and archaeological state service in Thessaly (Greece), Volos.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (22-11-2005). 'Pottery to the people: the path from producer to consumer in the 6th century B.C. as seen from excavation contexts in the Greek World'., Séminaires ARC La Céramique dans les Sociétés Anciennes. Production, distribution et usages., Bruxelles, Université Libre.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (14-1-2005). 'Does function follow form? Archaic Greek pottery in its find contexts: uses and meanings'., Conference The world of Greek Vases, Rome, Accademia di Danimarca.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (20-6-2004). Male vs. female, public vs. private: votive offerings and inscriptions as indicators for hierarchy and power in Greek sanctuaries of the 6th and 5th centuries BC, Third International Conference 'Hierarchy and Power', Moscow.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (14-11-2003). Finding Farms, International Workshop "Field Survey in the Mediterranean World", Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
    • Stissi, V. V. (speaker) (10-5-2003). De vroege ijzertijd in de Voulokaliva (omgeving van Halos), Jubileumbijeenkomst RUG-veldwerk in Halos en omgeving, Universiteit Groningen.


    • Stissi, V. (participant) (23-11-2018 - 24-11-2018). International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, autumn 2018., Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stissi, V. (participant) (12-5-2018). Halos, a city state on the edge, Bonn (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stissi, V. (participant) (2017). Member advisory board Talanta (Journal) (other).
    • Stissi, V. (participant) (2017). Moderator Linked In Ancient History Group (other).
    • Stissi, V. (participant) (2016). Moderator Linked In Ancient History Group (other).
    • Stissi, V. (participant) (2016). Member advisory board Talanta (journal) (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2016). Lid Raad voor de Geesteswetenschappen, KNAW (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2016). Member Editorial Board Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam University Press (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2015). Member Editorial Board Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam University Press (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2015). Lid Raad voor de Geesteswetenschappen, KNAW (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (organiser) & Hilditch, J. R. (organiser) (11-12-2014 - 13-12-2014). Integrated approaches to ceramic analysis and methodology from a trans-regional perspective. New Perspectives on Ancient Pottery Final Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2014). Member Editorial Board Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam University Press (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2014). Lid Raad voor de Geesteswetenschappen, KNAW (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (organiser) (6-12-2013 - 7-12-2013). International meeting on Field Survey in the Mediterranean World, autumn 2013, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2012). Member editorial board, Amsterdam University Press (other).
    • Stissi, V. V. (other) (2012). Lid Raad voor de Geesteswetenschappen, KNAW (other).



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