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E.H.M. (Eline) Verburg MA

Faculty of Humanities
Student Services
Photographer: Dida photography

Visiting address
  • Valckenierstraat 65
Postal address
  • Profile

    I graduated in Archaeology (BA & ReMA), with a minor in museum studies and elective courses at the University of Bologna. During research stays in Italy, I studied the archaeology of the Etruscans, and became more and more interested in their reception inside and outside of Italy. 

    This interest in (archaeological) museums and collections has led to an external PhD-position at the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM). My project titled Etruscans for all. The perception and reception of the Etruscans in 18th- and 19th-century Northwestern Europe investigates why the interest in the Etruscans emerged in the late 18th- and 19th centuries by studying the earliest Etruscan museum collections in Northwestern Europe. By exploring academic, public and private spheres the reception history of the Etruscans will be revealed, and studied against the background of the wider historical debates that take place in the context of the 19th century.  

  • Publications



    • Verburg, E., 2023, The Corazzi collection. Letters from Cortona and Leiden, Bulletin Antieke Beschavingen (BABESCH), 171-183.
    • Verburg, E., 2022, Florence en de Etruskische mythe, Medici-propaganda en de beginselen van de etruskologie, Roma Aeterna 9.II, 20-29.
    • Verburg, E., 2020: [Review of An Etruscan Affair: the impact of early Etruscan discoveries on European culture, by Judith Swaddling (red.)]. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 63, 43-44.
    • Verburg, E., 2019: The Tomba Campana: a long-debated ‘discovery’. Considering the finds of a 19th-century excavation that never happened, in KLEOS – Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeology 2, 44-62.
    • Verburg, E., 2018: The role of ritual in Roman warfare. The Siege of Veii (406-396 BCE), in Amsterdam Interdisciplinary Studies in Antiquity 1, 117-130.



    • BABESCH Byvanck Award for the best scholarly paper submitted to the BABESCH periodical, written by a novice in the field of archaeological research. (2023)
    • Scholarship for external PhDs for a 4-months research stay at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR). (2023)
    • Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude scholarship for a 3-month research stay in London. (2022)
    • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds scholarship for a 9-month research stay in Paris, Berlin and London. (2020)
    • RMO-Stipendium 2018. Stipend including a grant and a three-month stay in Rome. Awarded by the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome for the research ‘The birth of Etruscology in Northern Europe: the Corazzi collection’. (2018)
    • Scholarship for a 7-week stay at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR) for RMA thesis: ‘New Research on an Old ‘Discovery’: the Tomba Campana in Veii. (2017)
    • Scholarship for the internship ‘Creating the Museo dell’Agro Veientano’ in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, with a grant and a three-month stay in Rome. (2016)
    • Erasmus travel grant (10 months) for exchange programme at the University of Bologna. (2013)


    Past and upcoming presentations|Conference proceedings

    • 'Etruscans for all: Oggetti etruschi come ispirazione per le arti industriali e decorative' 23-25 February 2023, All’Etrusca. La scoperta della cultura materiale e visiva etrusca nell’Europa premoderna e moderna’  organized by École Française de Rome, Istituto Svedese di Studi Classici and Museo Etrusco Nazionale di Villa Giulia.
    • 'Between Cortona and Leiden, the Corazzi Collection' 8 March 2019, TMA Symposium, National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden. 
    • 'La Tomba Campana a Veio' March 2017, 'Vista su Veio' at the Museo dell'Agro Veientano, Formello.  
  • Publications




    • Verburg, E. H. M. (2020). [Review of An Etruscan Affair: the impact of early Etruscan discoveries on European culture, by Judith Swaddling (red.)]. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 63, 43-44.

    Prize / grant

    • Verburg, E. (2023). BABESCH Byvanck Award.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Universiteit van Amsterdam
      PhD student - Amsterdam School for Heritage and Material Culture
    • Buitenpromovenda AHM
      Buitenpromovenda Amsterdam School for Heritage and Material Culture.
    • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
      Coordinator ARCHON, research school for archaeology