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This course provides PhD researchers with information about academic integrity and social safety in their different contexts. Discussions about concrete examples of dilemmas will raise awareness of possible pitfalls.
Event details of PhD Skills | Academic Integrity & Social Safety
11 June 2024
10:00 -13:00

Course description

Discussing Dilemmas: Academic Integrity & Social Safety

Like in any profession, scientists are frequently faced with dilemmas: Can I exclude particular observations from my research? Can I use exactly the same data set for multiple papers? Should I agree on a colleague being a co-author on a paper to which she has not made a significant contribution? The Dilemma Game confronts researchers with difficult dilemmas in the context of a critical dialogue, supporting them in further developing their own 'moral compass'.

The Dilemma Game has been developed by Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) to stimulate awareness of, and an open and critical discussion about, integrity and professionalism in research. The game lets participants consider, choose and defend (and possibly reconsider) alternative courses of action regarding a realistic dilemma related to professionalism and integrity in research. Discussing research integrity and social safety is vital as it contributes to an open, safe, and inclusive research culture in which good research practices are deeply embedded.


Room C0.23
Oudemanhuispoort 4-6
1012 CN Amsterdam