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In semester 2 of the upcoming academic year (2024-2025), AHM academic director Prof. Ihab Saloul will be teaching the new BA course "Narrating Palestine: Global Politics of Conflict Heritage and Memory." The course explores global politics and the dynamics of conflict heritage and memory in the aftermath of the war in Gaza and the Middle East.
Prof. Ihab Saloul

The course offers an introduction to cultural, social, political and historical discourses of heritage and memory making and destruction in conflict, hidden histories, unruly narratives of identity, and alternative archiving from Palestine. The course centres on the work of Palestinian academics and cultural practitioners, highlighting the richness and diversity of theory and praxis from the region, often reduced or simplified into one-dimensional conceptualizations. Students will learn how to challenge and critique rudimental and antagonistic tropes, and instead study the diverse and multilayered past, present, and future of Palestine and the region, and develop academic skills to intervene in polarized public discussions. The course therefore engages with conceptual and methodological issues of material history, archives, temporalities, gender, race, (anti/post/de) coloniality and racial capitalism.

The course is open for BA students of all Humanities departments with a BSA, and BA students outside of Humanities with a propedeuse.