We, the CLOSE-UP team, are calling out artists for our exhibition at VOX-POP which lasts from June 3 to July 5. This year, we’re asking: Who owns the city? Join us as to transform Vox Pop into a space where art meets resistance, memory, and the messy beauty of city life.
We’re looking for artists who want to shake up the way we think about urban space. How do we navigate cities designed by power and create spaces of belonging? Whether your work speaks to resistance, memorialization, or just the everyday practices of navigating these systems, we want to see it! An honorarium included
We, the CLOSE-UP team, believe in making space for stories that often go unheard. Your art deserves to be seen in a place that thrives on critical conversations, community, and creativity. So, send us your work, across any medium, and be part of this year’s exhibition!
What we’re looking for:
What to submit:
Where to submit: voxpopcloseup@uva.nl
When to submit: until 16-04-2025 (23:59)
Let’s reimagine the city together!
VOX-POP is the creative space of the faculty of Humanities. In this space we make programmes that bridge humanities with art and society. VOX-POP's programming is co-hosted by an annually changing group of talented students. Every 6-8 weeks they organize a 'CLOSE UP': evenings in which a social issue is examined by academics, professionals and artists. This year's brand new student programmers are eager to provide you with surprising programs where we dive into interesting topics together. Will we meet you during their programmes?