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H2020-MSCA-RISE | Principal Investigators: Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes and Dr. Francesco Chiaravalloti | 2022-2025. Spacex responds to the troubling rise of populist nationalism and conflict in European societies by engaging new publics and forging a culture that embraces diversity, difference, and discursive exchange within cities, towns and urban sites.

The comprehensive transdisciplinary composition of the Spacex consortium - 29  beneficiaries comprising of 13 universities and academies and 16 cultural organisations, across 11 EU countries with 1 partner in Palestine – will enable its researchers to undertake secondments in a range of world-renowned academic institutions, research institutes, arts organizations, biennials, urban agencies and a film festival.

Prof. dr. C.M.K.E. (Christa-Maria) Lerm-Hayes

Faculty of Humanities

Capaciteitsgroep Kunstgeschiedenis

Dr F. (Francesco) Chiaravalloti

Faculty of Humanities

Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen