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This is the list of the PhD Candidates of the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture.
A.J. (Aldo) Accinelli Obando MA

Upper-class households and their colonial legacies: how affluent domestic materiality perpetuates coloniality in Lima, Peru (supervised by Prof. James Symonds and Dr. Claudia Hatsumi Uribe Chinen (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru))

P.P. (Paul) Ariese MA

The sacred in musealised synagogue space. Representation of religious Jewish life in the Amsterdam Jewish Cultural Quarter (supervised by Prof. Emile Schrijver and Prof. Hester Dibbits)

J.E. (Janine) Armin

Escape from Europe: The Neolithic as Contemporary Line of Flight in Jo Baer’s Painting Series In the 'Land of the Giants' (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes & Dr. Elize Mazadiego)

J.E. (Janine) Armin

Escape from Europe: The Neolithic as Contemporary Line of Flight in Jo Baer’s Painting Series 'In the Land of the Giants' (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes & Dr. Elize Mazadiego)

M.A.H. (Marleen) van den Berg

Ontrechting en Rechtsherstel van Rotterdamse Joden tijdens en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog (supervised by Prof. Frank van Vree, Prof. Ismee Tames and Dr. Hinke Piersma)

B.L. (Bertha) Bermudez Pascual MA

Dance Intentionality: A Challenge on Documentation Methodologies and Archiving of Intangible Heritage (supervised by Prof. Robin Boast and Prof. Ihab Saloul)

M.R.H. (Thijs) Boers

Amsterdamse wooncultuur binnen en buiten de stad (1700-1800). Een onderzoek naar de verschillen tussen het interieur van het achttiende-eeuwse stadshuis en de buitenplaats (supervised by Prof. Hanneke Ronnes and Prof. Rob van der Laarse)

S. (Sarah) Burkhardt MA

Socio-technical and feminist strategies of (in)visible making: Rethinking and programming representation through mapping the Dutch #MeToo debate (supervised by Prof. Julia Noordegraaf, Prof. Thomas Poell, Dr. Anne Kroon and Dr. Bernhard Rieder)

J.M.M. (Julie-Marthe) Cohen

Nazi Looting and Postwar Restitution of European Judaica (supervised by Prof. Bart Wallet and Prof. Rob van der Laarse)

E. (Eleri) Connick MSc

The Diaspora as Cultural Creative Spaces (supervised by Prof. Ihab Saloul and Prof. James Symonds)

S. (Sebastiaan) van Daalen MA

Authors and Anonymity: Patterns of Attribution in Medieval Latin Manuscripts (500-1200) (supervised by Prof. Irene van Renswoude and Dr. Folgert Karsdorp)

M. (Mariana) Darvas Lanari

How to Read a Library? (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes and Prof. Emilia Sitzia)

R. (Réka) Deim MA

Traumatic Memories of Communism in Hungarian Art, Cinema and Literature after 1989 (supervised by Prof. Frank van Vree and Prof. Ihab Saloul)

G.A.M. (Geert) van den Dungen

Een vrijzinnig idealist met realiteitszin. Leven en werk van de Joodse componist Sem Dresden (1881-1957) (supervised by Prof. Frank van Vree and Dr Helen Metzelaar)

P. (Petar) Finci

(Hi)Story according to the ICTY (supervised by Prof. Nanci Adler and Prof. Harmen van der Wilt)

Drs. A.D. (Anja) Fischer

New Lights on Old Remedies: Tracing Medical Plant Use in the Low Countries through Archeaogenomics and Archeaobotany in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period (supervised by Prof. James Symonds and Prof. Barbara Gravendeel)

R.A. (Ricarda) Franzen MA

Voices for the Future: Sound Archives and the Performing Arts in Twentieth-Century Netherlands (supervised by Prof. Kati Röttger and Dr. Viktoria Tkazcyk)

L.J. (Lucy) Gaynor

How are historical narratives constructed within international criminal trials, and how are those narratives utilised (supervised by Prof. Nanci Adler and Dr. Thijs Bouwknegt)

D. (Dave) van Gompel

漆芸道 (Shitsugei-dou): Technique, transmission of knowledge, and skill preservation within Japanese lacquer training (supervised by Prof. Ella Hendriks and Dr Herman den Otter)

M.T. (Marissa) Griffioen

Map Encounters: The Material Culture of Maps in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1500-1800 (supervised by Prof. Bram Vannieuwenhuyze and Dr. Djoeke van Netten)

A.S. (Anna Schjøtt) Hansen PhD

Responsible AI in the Media and Cultural Industry (supervised by Prof. Julia Noordegraaf, Prof. Tobias Blanke & Prof. Natali Helberger)

L.M.L. (Luna) Hupperetz

A Cutting Room Floor: Mediating Anti-Colonial Audiovisual Heritage (supervised by Prof. Julia Noordegraaf, Dr. Asli Özgen-Havekotte and Dr. Christian Olesen)

M.S. (Matanja) Hutter MA

The manuscript tradition of Jacob van Maerlant’s 'Rijmbijbel' (supervised by Prof. Jos Biemans and Prof. Karina van Dalen)

P.F. (Pamela) Jordan

Site Sound: using acoustics to analyze Mount Lykaion’s ancient sanctuary to Zeus (supervised by Prof. Vladimir Stissi and Dr. Patricia Lulof)

L.T.A. (Louis-Thomas) Kelly

Imperial Dissonance: Analyzing public memorial space in the Ville-Marie borough of Montréal, Canada and reflecting on counter-commemorative spatial planning (supervised by Prof. J. Symonds and Dr. Jeroen Boomgaaard)

E.S. (Eline) Kortekaas MA

Publishing houses as brokers of knowledge in Indonesia (supervised by Prof. Lisa Kuitert and Prof. Remco Raben)

A. (Anna) Laganá

Treatments for the conservation of plastics in museum collections (supervised by Prof. Maarten van Bommel and Dr Rachel Rivenc)

Drs. M.M.J.J.P.E. (Mathieu) Lommen

Nederlandse lettermodelboeken (supervised by Prof. Lisa Kuitert and Prof. Bram Kempers)

F. (Frank) Maes MA

Modern Ontology, Epistomology and Ethical Dilemmas in the Oeuvre of Royden Rabinowitch (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes and Dr Jeroen Boomgaard)

J.K.L. (Jade) Mandrake

Whose Heritage? Hermetic Architecture as Global Commons (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes and Dr. Joost de Bloois)

A. (Alessandra) Marrocchesi

Monitoring of the surface appearance of daguerreotypes during their first tarnishing, electrolytic cleaning and possible re-tarnishing after treatment (supervised by Prof. Rob Erdmann, Prof. Ella Hendriks and Martin Jürgens))

J. (Jesus) Martin Alonso

Fake Archaeology. A view from an Archaeology of the recent past to historical creational scenarios (supervised by Prof. James Symonds and Prof. Jaime Almansa)

L. (Lillyana) Mulya MA

Dutch East Indies Information Network in the Period of Transition (1799-1830) (supervised by Prof. Charles Jeurgens)

P.P. (Pauline) O'Connell MA

Paradox not Paradise, the Rural as Site of Representation Struggle (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes and Dr. Jeroen Boomgaard)

A. (Almir) Olovčić

Detection and Monitoring of Clandestine Mass Graves with Remote Sensing Spectral and Thermal Imaging Techniques (supervised by Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh and Prof. Maurice Aalders)

D.A. (Dorothé) Orczyk

Performance Art as Female Resistance (supervised by Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, Dr. Kasia Lech and Prof. Amy Bryzgel (Northeastern University))

R. (Ronit) Palache

Niets dan melancholie: hoe individuen, opgegroeid in joodse, katholieke, christelijke en islamitische gemeenschappen, hun narratieven van hun proces van uittreding construeren (supervised by Prof. Emile Schrijver and Prof. Bart Wallet)

E.P. (Elizabeth) Palacios Ramos MA

We knew what we were told: Early collecting and interpretations of Pre-Columbian textiles from Peru in XIX and early XX Century (supervised by Prof. Robin Boast and Prof. James Symonds)

C. (Catarina) Nunes Aníbal Rocha Pires

Green Atmospheric Plasma-Generated Monoatomic Oxygen Technology for Contactless Atomic Scale Cleaning of Works of Art (supervised by Prof. Klaas Jan van den Berg and Dr. Emilie Froment)

S.D. (Susana) Puente Matos

The Illusion of Identity: The Life and Work of Pyke Koch (supervised by Prof. Gregor Langfeld & Prof. Louis van Tilborgh)

S.C. (Sarah) Randeraad MA

Framing the medieval in museums in 19th-century Europe (supervised by Prof. Lex Bosman and Dr. Mirjam Hoijtink)

Drs. E.J. (Everdien) Rietstap

Werken met woorden. Redactie bij Nederlandse literaire uitgeverijen (supervised by Prof. Lisa Kuitert and Prof. Karina Van Dalen-Oskam)

Drs. J.H.C.M. (Anne-Rieke) van Schaik

Navigating through Narratives: Cartographic Storytelling in the Early Modern Low Countries (ca. 1550-1750) (supervised by Prof. Bram Vannnieuwenhuyze and Dr. Elmer Kolfin)

Drs. C. (Carla) Scheffer

De woon- en tuincultuur van Prins Frederik der Nederlanden (1797-1881) in een internationaal perspectief. Identiteit, smaak en waardering in relatie tot het Oranje-Pruisische hof (supervised by Prof. Hanneke Ronnes)

K. (Kristof) Selleslach

The 'Officina Plantiniana' in Transition: Intergenerational Succession and Transformation at the Antwerp Printing and Publishing House in the Seventeenth Century (supervised by Prof. Lisa Kuitert and Prof. Pierre Delsaerdt (Antwerp University))

N.A. (Nina) Siegal

Jacques Goudstikker’s Collection: The Rise and Destruction of an Art Empire (supervised by Prof. Frank van Vree, Prof. Emile Schrijver and Prof. Margriet Schavemaker)

Drs. J.A. (Jeltsje) Stobbe

Satricum (supervised by Prof. Marijke Gnade)

M.P. (Maria) Suarez Caicedo

Ecologies of Repair and Reparation (supervised by Prof. Chiara De Cesari, Dr. Tessel Bauduin & Dr. Colin Sterling)

P. (Pablo) Suárez-Mansilla González

Film Criticism in the Luso-Hispanic Space (supervised by Prof. Julia Noordegraaf and Prof. Diana Roig Sanz (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya))

C. (Csaba) Szilágyi

Documenting Suffering and Remembering Loss: The Archives as a Place for – and the Place of Archives in – Mnemonic Practices in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina (supervised by Prof. Charles Jeurgens and Prof. Rob van der Laarse)

E.H.M. (Eline) Verburg MA

Etruscans for All. The perception and reception of the Etruscans in the 18th and 19th century Northwestern Europe (supervised by Prof. Marijke Gnade and Dr. Mirjam Hoijtink)

Drs. A.I. (Anne) Versloot

'Vases from Greece that I could only dream of.’ About the biographies of five collections of Greek antiquities in the Netherlands (1880-1934) (supervised by Prof. Vladimir Stissi & Prof. Ruurd Halbertsma)

N.A.M. (Nico) Vriend MA

The pulse of bureaucracy: paperwork in the Dutch Ministry of Colonies, 1813-1900 (supervised by Prof. Charles Jeurgens)

Drs. H. (Heide) Warncke

The Amsterdam Hebrew Printing Industry 1627-1815: The impact of intellectual, economic and religious developments on Hebrew Printing (supervised by Prof. Emile Schrijver and Prof. Paul Hoftijzer (Rijksuniversiteit Leiden))

Z. (Charlotte) Zhu

Lost in Transmission: Two Ancient Astrological Texts in the Two Ancient Astrological Traditions – the Transmission of 'Zhoubi Suanjing' in China and 'Mathesis' in the West (supervised by Prof. Irene van Renswoude and Dr Trude Dijkstra)